SK just got funky
This is what it looks like when Java.exe takes up too much memory (probably 1.6GBs) and your game is literally on the brink of crashing. I've seen this many MANY times on my desktop which has always dealt with Java crashing since the Ironclaw Munition Factory update. Welcome to my hell (until I switched over to my laptop. Of course now my laptop's game keep crashing after this update.)
The first time, on full screen, the game crashed after i got this bug.
When i took these screens, it was on windowed mode, i could still play and all, but i closed the game myself :/
That's a texturing error. Happens to me in TF2 sometimes.
If you get one of those, restart your game as soon as possible.
If it happens again it means your files are corrupt. The next patch should redownload and fix everything :)