Ok, so i'm doing FSC run and first level was all the time; the screen froze- then about 2 seconds later i unfroze and i walked into fire, then i finished the level, no heat (Mind you) and i go to the next level, it spend about 3 minutes loading(usually takes under 15 seconds) then i get the the party button and we start walking in the direction of one of the rooms, and BAM! I freeze for 5 mins, unfreeze for half a second freeze again for like another 5 mins and all the while the music stops and i can move my mouse but not my player. WHAT THE ****!!!!!! FIX THIS! i wasted so much mist today, AND CE! D:< Fix this soon! -.- i was planning on leveling my blackened crest for CoA!
I'm so disappointed in Spiral Knights.
New lagg form the update!
You are not the only one, let me tell ye. But does 3Rings care? Naw, otherwise they woulda told us something about it, or ask us questions, or just plain talk to us. Did they do that? Nope. This game just keeps getting worser and worser by the day. Call me a pessimist, but to be quite frank, I don't see a bright future for this game. Bring a team of baboons and they'd do a better job at handling things like server maintenance.
A pity, it was such a nice and appealing game...
I agree,this game was almost perfect and now they [screwed] it even more.No one cares abut the little guys who just like playing this (or any other) game just because it's a nice and appealing game.Today (or yesterday to be exact) this lag appear, tomorrow who knows what...
This is suppose to be F2P (free 2 play) yet and we play it like it's not,a pity indeed...
The new update has what appears to be a lag issue. It's not lag, it's a user-side issue that appears to be a memory leak in the SK code so that the host computer slowly runs out of steam, then crashes the SK app itself. Lag is a delay in contact between server and user and doesn't effect screen redraw.
@Gronstifer I never had this lagg before.
Also java is taking up 1.500.000kb+ memory, that doesn't seem right to me!
I think if the memory use gets above a certain point Java just shuts SK down :/ Happend to me twice today in 1 fsc run.
If any OOO staff reads this, PLEASE stop server maintenance for a few days. It should emulate what baboons would do rather well.
Also, because the game is F2P it's bound to have more problems than a paid game. Just suck it up and wait for OOO to fix it, I doubt they're just chillaxing and drinking coffee while reading your cries of "OOO suks becauze they didn't make a perfet patch and now are taking more than five seconds to feex, arrghblahgraah *foam from mouth*"
Just wait and it'll eventually be fixed. Like Nattss said, this lag isn't server related, it's a problem in the game's code that makes memory leak that makes the computer running SK unable to run the game properly and eventually crash. Instead of knowing that you can't play and insist on wasting ME and CE just go play something else until the problem is solved.
I also find it funny that some people think that lack of information means that nothing is being done. OOO isn't forced to tell us everything they're doing. Heck, since this is a F2P game they could just go "F you, knights!" and shut down the game servers or make the game P2P only.
Ok Lol i realize that now, but if they could at least warn us about ANY problems, like sending out a cradle-wide mail saying there might be issues in gameplay. but they probably are trying to fix it. (We hope.)
Yeah? Well maybe they could at least TALK about stuff. You know, like actual non-robots would >.>
How about instead of the open-minded of us explaining that it would obviously be much worse if the game was run by baboons, let alone ourselves especially, for a change how about THEY explain this. They don't defend themselves and they act like they aren't innocent which CREEPS US OUT. Less conspiracizing would go on.
Do bear in mind, please, that a community that receives information about patches (and of course I refer to REAL information, not half-[scrapped] one liners stating they're looking at the problem, whatever it may be) is a whole lot more trusting and satisfied than a community that is kept constantly in the dark, which is what is happening right now, after this controversial patch.
Silence from 3Rings is the worst possible thing for us right now.
Do bear in mind, please, that a community that receives information about patches (and of course I refer to REAL information, not half-[scrapped] one liners stating they're looking at the problem, whatever it may be) is a whole lot more trusting and satisfied than a community that is kept constantly in the dark, which is what is happening right now, after this controversial patch.
Silence from 3Rings is the worst possible thing for us right now.
Do bear in mind, please, that a community that receives information about patches (and of course I refer to REAL information, not half-[scrapped] one liners stating they're looking at the problem, whatever it may be) is a whole lot more trusting and satisfied than a community that is kept constantly in the dark, which is what is happening right now, after this controversial patch.
Silence from 3Rings is the worst possible thing for us right now.
True :p Though, on the thread about the patch that Eurydice started, an admin gives some information. I think they don't talk to us more often because they don't to say something that might force devs to work faster and risk screwing the game over even worse. I'll copy/paste it from the thread onto here, in case you haven't read it yet.
Quoting Aphrodite:
"Just a friendly reminder, that if you do delve into the game files, do not post spoilers about future content on the forums.
The lag is a known issue and the developers believe they found the cause of the problem. They are double checking their information from the testing server work last night and hope to have it fixed as soon as possible.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for being patient."
Original post is here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/56081?page=3 It's the the first one on that page of the thread.
So I guess they're usually quiet, but not quiet enough to keep us in complete darkness. I haven't checked many other threads so I have no idea if any other admins posted there too. I also doubt they bother in reading most threads since a big part of them is people talking in ALL CAPS or generally insulting them, threatening to leave the game and what-not.
like 5 minutes ago, me and a joined party did FSC. in bridge, a pro whos never had LAG in this game time...ever gets D/C. we really sad. in Court a friend d/c in totem room. and i d/c while healing a spirite. there was four, now theres 3, then there was 2 and now theres one lonely soul fighting for his life in FSC with lag im sure.
this update sucks especially with that rez zombie no loot. im PO'ed
This isn't new lag, it's the same lag that people have been yelling about in many already existing threads, some even on the first page. The CE rage isn't new either, people have been yelling about that on the first few pages as well.
The only unique thing about this thread that I see is that it combines the rage of lag and CE into a single thread.
Meh, guess it saves people time...