hi today when i go fsc i got random frezes ewery 5 sec.
its totaly unplaylable i withdraw from fsc flor 25
please send me back 20 ce , i think its your server fault.
thx bye
game lag like hell unplaylable

yes i think the lags is on 3o servers, my guildmates get the frezes too, so its not my connection.

@Quandasim please, shut up, i'm tired of all this crap, there's 700 more threads about this, GET A BLOG!

For once it's NOT the servers, but more likely a java problem (as in a memory leak or resources not being allocated properly). The freezing gets worse over time, something that wouldn't happen if it's a server problem.
I can play around 2 and a half levels before I start getting the freezing, it'll then get worse the longer I stay in the game. Even standing around at AH the game still exhibits this behaviour.
It'll be fixed, hopefully soon.

follow this to temporarily fix it... until OOO fixes it properly

Lubbes!!! That's not the damn solution! People have different comps and work different ways! So stop posting that damn solution which ISN'T!

Not rage.. this is just annoying that he keeps thinking THAT is the answer.
LOL You really think it's their fault... Whinies on CE...