if i see another rage thread, i'm literally going to scream, i've had about enough of this, there's 600 threads about this, go post on them instead of making another one. its making anything better, you're just acting childish, i'm not raging about the lag, i'm not happy about the lag, BUT I'M NOT THROWING A TANTRUM OVER IT! and you shouldn't either, so play something else like... http://armorgames.com/play/7024/wake-up-the-box-2 now get out there, and wake up that box!
@all the ragers
You're starting to sound like someone who's reasonable and intelligent...
We can't have that around here.
Hey Tohru-Adachi, we got compensation on our elevator passes. Sounds like you need to chill out.
You guys think that complaining is a bad thing.
When complaining is done right is to make a service someone is using better. Okay, if you act like a baby then you are doing something wrong (or horribly wrong) but you can't say that making a complain is bad because is not.
Also, if you are paying for a service you are entitled to complain about it (like a civilized person).
I mean someone going as far to sue?
No, we had a day added to our elevator passes as well. I got an inbox on spiral knights (official announcement) that says so.
1. Complaining isn't bad, its just slightly annoying. If enough people complain, then it points towards a problem with the game... something that people don't like, and that should probably be fixed.
2. You don't have to read complaint threads, nor can you stop them... This thread accomplishes nothing, except an additional complaint thread.
@Fehzor The problem is that most "complaint" threads are "FEEX GAEM NAOW OR I SU OOO! D:<" or "OOO sucks because every update breaks the game and they suck and I want this fixed now, not in one hour or more, but NOW or else I'll leave the game 5evar!!1!11!" This kind of complaint isn't annoying, it's just childish and dumb. I do agree that sending bug reports in-game or coming on the forums to make a thread about it that isn't just an OOO hate fountain but it's actually mature and civilized helps the game get better though.
And btw, the elevators got half cost but people that have an Elevator Pass also get a day added to it. At least it's what Spiral HQ mail said :p
yes, but you why can't we just have 1 rage thread, instead of 50? i mean, who needs 50 rage threads....
you can stop rage,it we keep coming back
If you paid, then you can complain.
Otherwise, you can't complain since you do nothing to help pay the bills.
Bug reports are always allowed (so long as it's a bug).
Problem, solved.
i heard u like rage about ragers, so you can rage about more ragers.....
"If you paid, then you can complain.
Otherwise, you can't complain since you do nothing to help pay the bills."
Dude, just no.
Logical, somewhat. But...just no.
OP rages about raging threads. The vicious cycle continues.
You won't get compensation!
So do something better with your lives.
Also, even if there was something like 5 elevator costs, you won't get you silly Passes or Usables' times back, so get over it!