some random joins your party and criticizes your loadout. If only he knew how much I love my levi and warhammer. Best part was, I was keeping everyone alive. Anyone else have fail troll experience?
Dont you love it when-
People assume that because I'm always wearing my Proto gear as a costume, I won't be of use to the group.
since im not used to Guns and since when i started to play the game i only use a sword and a bomb to take everythign down i really got into sword as my main offense and bomb as my support. there was one time i was on heave without doing something, i always carry 3 swords 1 bomb (1 normal, 1 elemental, 1 piercing) there was 1 guy checking my loadout and then "LoL you noob, you dont carry any gun you need a GUN to kill those turrets" then i go to a T3 arcade run and he joined to my party (time back i always had the "open party" option) and he keep dying on every room even with his polaris. after the 4th level he leave the party when he saw i survive killing turrets with a sword.
Also sometimes people criticize the fact i carry a leviathan, but i guess its because they understimate it power, since one day a guy who go with me to OCH say "i guess i have understimate leviathan power".
One guy in the party was at 4-5*, full, in my party. I (wisely, in afterthought) equipped my as-yet unheated Fiery Vaporizer.
The amount of times he died made the bomb go from heat 0-10 in one run, and then some.
Some guy 2 months ago called me a noob, cause of my ash tail set and FF.
I proceeded to get more caps, damage, and defends then him.