Couple weeks ago, Qwote mentioned kiting Vanaduke with RSS. The response was, generally, incredulity. Qwote took me on a duo run. He posted video of it on YouTube (didn't know he was recording, so if I appear noobish, I plead ignorance!). Two bombers, bombs only, both of us with max CTR and max Damage boosts from our gear.
For Vanaduke:
For the rest of the run, in case you want to seem some very fine bombing at work:
Not only is this nice proof of Qwote's kiting suggestion, but also proves wrong the general opinion I got from others, which is that a pure bomb run of Vanaduke is going to be neither easy, nor fun. This was a BLAST!
I saw the VV and... Well I love VV but anyway, nevermind that xP
Awesome! I've always wanted to do an only bombs Vana run, sadly I haven't got the bombs to do it ._. I still need to upgrade my SS xD
Either way, very good, this is a shining example of what bombers can do. Although people should already know bombers are awesome :3
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee