80% of all SK reviews I've read go off the deep end about CE and give us a 6/10 or less (3/5 stars).
We need to stop this, because it gives people a bad impression of our game!
80% of all SK reviews I've read go off the deep end about CE and give us a 6/10 or less (3/5 stars).
We need to stop this, because it gives people a bad impression of our game!
What do critics matter when you can play this game for free and see it yourself? It's not really like you have to buy something in order to even trial it so you need someone's opinion before you try it.
I have huge distrust for critics (in general) because it's hard to find critics who actually represent regular people AND know what they're talking about. I imagine a lot of game reviews coming from the traditional hardcore NEET play-20-hours-a-day-7-days-a-week, which is kind of unhealthy/not really representative of average players anyway, so having the ME limit is probably off-putting for them.
I went on metacritic just because of this thread, and caught this, as an example:
"I'm not sure what is wrong, but there have been times where my expedition party and I all had a 'flawless' connection, but many of us were walking through walls, blacking out, freezing in place, and blinking around the map faster than Bugs Bunny"
^ anyone who's played a while will know that is not flawless connection. That's you getting disconnected, silly.
I haven't seen the review in question, but my brother brought up reading some mmo reviewer talking about how you "can't progress without using real money". (I was 5* by 3 months at most, and after a year or so, I've still not yet spent real money on the game). It's doable, and it's not really that hard if you run on mist energy and play with friends who get better with you. Really, who writes these things?
The game is actually really friendly to busy people who have jobs, real life, homework, etc. Mist energy lets you play in what little bit of spare time you have, then you can get on with life, sleep, etc, then play again tomorrow with friends.
Whether people give the game a 3/10 or a 10/10, it doesn't affect your experience lol.
also lol @ 6/10 and 3/5.
The game is actually really friendly to busy people who have jobs, real life, homework, etc. Mist energy lets you play in what little bit of spare time you have, then you can get on with life, sleep, etc, then play again tomorrow with friends.
I'd argue that that makes it particularly unfriendly to busy people, as it prevents them from being able to fully enjoy the game when they actually have a break in work and a nice amount of time to play. Rather, it presents a "play every day or fall behind" kind of scenario. If someone is particularly busy, hopping on for an hour - or even a few minutes to craft - is an unwanted distraction from whatever other obligations that the person has. As a result, rather than being able to finish up your homework with a sigh of relief and some time to unwind playing Spiral Knights, you start thinking stuff like "damn, that's another 20 energy wasted!" A busy person wouldn't have time to relax and enjoy a daily gaming session, but would likely choose to rush through whatever crown-heavy grind levels are available - or cruft something - and get off. On the flipside, once said busy person does have the time to sit back and just explore Spiral Knights... well, Spiral Knights doesn't let them use that time (to a certain extent, there's always PvP, but those are side attractions).
Sk in some nomination stuff think they won 1 or 2 of those btw...
This game to most people I hear from once they start playing it they can't stop tbh, and most players who complain they don't have enough energy to do runs etc. (Tend to already be addicted at this point) the game is clearly a free game, I know players who made over 100k ce without spending a penny its how much time your willing to put in, and how much patience you have. This game is pretty good, and is one year old already is winning awards man, please do some research before you wish to say, this game has really bad reviews.
for improvement, people. The game is far from perfect, but it's good.
Well, I guess that's one side of it. Your sentiments feel a little more towards hardcore mid-endgame grind than starting out, though. More of "I need to maximize my gain" than a more social "let's play that Spiral Knights game at 8!" kinda feeling.
I can at least testify for myself that one of the reasons I got into SK other than my friends playing was because the 100 mist was convenient in limiting my playtime when I was busy doing schoolwork otherwise. This was back when the main attraction and focus of Spiral Knights was Arcade. No Lockdown, Blast Network, or missions back then, just gates whose challenges changed every few days.
you know, I'm actually kind of curious what newer players (ex: started post-missions patch) think of the game and all.
Reviewers don't know sauce 'bout marketing and patience! They just rush trough the low-tier content of the game, thinking they'd get a feel of it.
You need to play SK for at least 10 hours total gameplay time to actually get to taste it and have an opinion with a.. well, more or less solid base.
It's special. In a good way. <3
I couldn't care less about those low scores- I'll play SK 'till the servers shut down or I get a tombstone over my head- whichever happens first.
Critics don't spend the required time to start appreciating Spiral Knights at its true value, it's a shame.
It's free only if your time is worthless.
"We need to stop this, because it gives people a bad impression of our game!"
Based on the forums alone I give this game a 4/10
FYI those reviewers are people who dont understand or care to accept a game mechanic such as the CE market just because its not easily usable or simple to understand, like many of us on the forums.
"It's worth remembering that all reviews are subjective personal opinions, and if you personally enjoy the game then they shouldn't really get to you. Unless of course there's a despicable little niggling doubt in the back of your mind, that maybe you're not having as much fun as you've convinced yourself you're having, which doesn't go away no matter how many times you try to slap it down with the wet flannel of weak excuses"
~ Zero Punctuation
In other words, you shouldn't care about what others think unless you're in denial
>Make game dominated and centered completely around the buying and usage of premium currency by limiting how much you are allowed to play per day based on how of a FSC farmer or disposable income you have
>Become surprised about reviewers giving the game average scores
Preeeetttyyyyy sure the OP is saying that we're getting a review of 6/10 or less, and saying that 6/10 = 3/5.
I left the game because it lost balance.
I gave this game 7/10 in january, but 4/10 now.
Economics system has failed. The game is good until you dont need to craft. If you dont want or cant to buy energy you need too much ce.
to reach 3*=200*5-100*5=500 , 5 days to get 500ce+5 days for mist energy=10 days
to reach 4*=400*5-100*5=1500, 15 days to get 1500ce+5 days mist= 20 days
to reach 5*=800*5-5*100=3500, 35 days to get 3500ce+5 days mist=40 days
total:70days= 210 hours of gaming. I think this is too much. You need to decrease this time to one month/100 hours or you continue to lose audience.
Nobody with any sense pays attention to critics. If you look at the reviews from critics and then at the regular people that go to see a movie for example you will see a vast difference in the ratings usually (unless the movie is completely sucktastic). Also the reviewers for sites have been known to be biased towards/against some games. I believe Gamespot was in the news within the last year for firing a reviewer that gave a game a bad review (said game was being advertised on their site at the time).
He now is a part of Giant Bomb.
Jeff Gertsman got fired by gamespot due to giveing a bad review of Kane And Lynch: Dead Men.
Most of the reviews you read are likely outdated. When I search "spiral knights review" the ones on the first search page are from early 2011.
I must agree with Seiran. "Busy people who have jobs, real life, homework, etc." are not usually the ones thinking "damn, that's another 20 energy wasted!" or the ones who actually caring that much about things like "falling behind". A fear of falling behind is a sort of thinking typical for hard core 24/7 achievers.
But then again, just like Seiran, I've started playing in those times before PvP and missions. Frankly speaking I still don't pay much attention to PvP and missions, and I'm just enjoying Clockworks runs done with my Mist Energy when I have a spare time.
3/5 is not less than 6/10. It's the same amount.