Everybody has heard of the lockdown invincibility frames by now. there are quite a few changes in the game playstyle. Blitz chargers are getting lots of damage, hammer spammers get loads of kills, RSS is deadly if you step on it, and of course gang up hits.
Well I think that it would be ALOT better, if they added back the invincibilty frames so that the hammer and blitz isn't that bad, BUT I also hate it when Ap/Sent spammers on your team don't let you do damage. so my suggestion is that OOO should add invincibilty frames back, BUT make it so different weapons do NOT interfere with each other (e.g. your teammate can spam AP while you attack the unlucky person, instead of him hitting you with a gran faust combo when your annoying teammate reloads.)
Please post if you agree or not, I want to get the GMs attention.
Thanks alot,
Sage this crap, please stop making threads about it. USE THE PRE EXISTING ONES KTHX, I AM SEERUS