Ok, let me paint a picture for you. Imagine that you're a guy that needs to wee-wee in the toilet bowl. Having auto-target is the same thing as sitting down on the toilet, like the woman you are. I hope this helps!
Auto-Target in Lockdown
So what if they use it? I don't care; I use it at times when I forget to turn it off.
Oh okay then if thats what you say.
AutoAim! Causing more ***tstorm than Evolution theory!
lol youre another annoying child crying about aa, go cry somewhere else xD
Two things:
1) Your credibility went out the window when you said F2P players need to GTFO. By reflex, I'm going to disregard what you say as conclusions drawn from horribly flawed logic.
2) Auto-Target makes almost no difference in LD, despite what people seem to make of it. Just the very rare times it becomes useful are the deaths that tend to be the most irritating.
Please. AA is the last thing on the minds of anyone that does LD at the moment.
"Auto-Target makes almost no difference in LD, despite what people seem to make of it. Just the very rare times it becomes useful are the deaths that tend to be the most irritating."
APPARENTLY it allows players to unleash combos more accurately and hit recons a few seconds after cloaking or something. Idk, that's what everyone else says, I don't play LD.
"like the woman you are."
Are you 8 or something? 'Cuz I'm pretty sure only 8 year olds and younger are THAT sort of sexist. 'But blue's a girls colour!'
We didn't need ANOTHER AT thread, for whatever reason, let alone one as useless as this.
I concur with Traev's first point. IMO, your credibility's been shot to 5 feet under.
I play Lockdown regularly. In addition, I regularly turn AA on and off.
From personal experience, it doesn't have that much of an effect on the game, especially not as much as people seem to think
And AA has no effect on cloaked recons. I have no idea where people got that idea.
"And AA has no effect on cloaked recons. I have no idea where people got that idea."
Cause someone intelligent gets the first recon pip and immeidiatly does a 180 and catches a passer-by from time to time. OMG hacks!
Except that evolution has solid evidence and reasoning and can envoke polite discourse. AT just has a lot of "ZoMg!Wut da fak? U stupd n00b!?!?!?" and "trololol, umad bro?". You'd be hard pressed to find any respectable discussions about AT.
Every time an elitist whines about someone using a feature that was implemented in the game for a reason, a puppy dies.
How long have you been playing SK? It seems like you like to necro a lot of stuff that's been discussed over and over again. F2P vs P2P, and now AA in LD. And time and time again virtually everyone agrees that AA or no AA does not matter. Some people need it due to having bad ping and some people prefer not using it especially the gunners/bombers.
Take it from me who was there since LD started.
Look, AA does not affect the game at all in LD.
For a fact, I know that AA doesn't affect cloaked Recons - 1v1 against an AA-using toothpicker (he wasn't any better or worse for using it, I may add - since when is using a legitamate function in the game an exploit?): I cloaked, moved aside, and he went sailing straight past me.
I knew he was using AA because, when I had died earlier that match, he had swerved mid-Flourish swipe.
Being a so called 'Hammer Spammer' myself I can safely say that AA has no great benefit. It causes my attacks to become erratic and veer of course making it harder for me to keep control of a fight.
On the other hand as people have stated some people use it because of ping problems and find it hard to hit people otherwise.
Being someone who has used the Recon class for dog knows how long, I can also assure AA doesn't allow people to hit you cloaked. If you're being found while cloaked it is because you are BAD. Not because someone is apparently using AA, although they could be.
People need to stop whining about this. Not every person who kills you uses AA. If you continually get killed by the same guy it is because he is better than you and you need to train and improve your play style. It hurts to be killed whenever you face someone. I know. But you have to suck it up and change. Adapt. Defeat. It's the only way you're going to ever be any good.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee
While you can condemn AA is bad in LD, there will be some people who will use it because of the desire to win. While i don't recommend using AA, a lot of people does and while your saying that it makes them like a woman i agree but the feature is available to all players and provides a tool when your lagging heavily.
However if the state of LD is like now, AA is going to a staple since it allows people to kill enemies quickly. I would advise that you should let people do what they want, AA or no AA, its like your fighting a war and you say Predator Drones are overpowered and cheap since you fight without losing men, deal with it i say and find some way to overpower them one way or the other.
hint: use a guardian and shield cancel, best way to hose heavy AAers.