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Yea that's right this game is getting on my nerves now..
First I miss out on the prismatic mech bid -.-
Then they have a horrible bug which has completely ruined ld now..
I only actually played for costumes and LD,
But now they are both gone.
Cries pitifully
I quit >.<

what bugs?
Sorry I have never been to Lockdown

...AAHhhahahaa.... Oh man.... I'm sorry, but this thread is Far too amusing.

I only actually played for costumes and LD
Congrats, you missed the entire focus of the game.

But if you quit, then I won't be able to do stuff with you or something! D:

"...I won't be able to do stuff with you or something.."

ah...remember to transfer your stuff to a guy (like me) before you go LOL

There there, I'll build you a vanaduke in Minecraft tomorrow when I have time to go on an FSC run to take pictures of vanaduke from all angles.

Just use Spiral Spy, you'll never get a shot of under or behind him because of the camera.

What's the point of the game? Playing the same 5 levels of FSC over and over ad nauseum?
Some people don't care for playing against mindless AI and would never have played this game if it didn't have PvP.

But dude don't quit (yet...). Like others have said wait it out to see if they are going to fix the bug (3rings said they are considering whether to bring the frames back back because of the positive commentary the bug has received). Anyways, don't go ahead and quit now especially if you've spent money on this game.

Quit. And please stop posting un-important threads. So who cares. Leave.

Calling all bets for when they come back!
1 day? (Betted by Coatl)
1 week?
1 month?

SO he may return.
I tried quitting around the boycott times, but returned...

I quit at one point. I returned though, with a new knight ;)
I didn't know about the forums then :P

nah, he'll give his stuff to me, FLAON! right Xcele?

We don't care
Give me your stuff and don't let the door hit you on the way out, kiddo.

FSC isn't the point of the game, but PVE in general is. PVP is more of a minigame for players to enjoy when they're out of mist.

@Xcelestialneon no 1 cares, bye now, AND DON'T FORGET TO EAT YOUR WHEATIES!

You sir, just described my knight's only reason for living. Games are ONLY as good as their PvP if you ask me. No one wants to grind for hours and hours against the same AI forever. They want to fight each other and see who's better! It all has to do with pride, hard work, talent, etc. If LD stays a pointless, skill-less game, it shall die (or at least be weakened considerably) because the end-gamers have nothing to work towards anymore. I mean c'mon, you don't need ASI/CTR very high on anything to dominate in the clockworks.

Hunting danger rooms in the clockworks is always a nice change. I really only FSC once or twice a week, yet I log around 20 hours a week. Contrary to popular belief, there are things besides FSC and Shadow Lairs once you hit T3.

As with Pokemon and many other games, people play it for different reasons. Some just get on it when they feel like and play for a bit to pass the time, others try collecting all the pokemon/weapons. Other's try to get the best and rarest stuff, and others prepare their loudouts/pokemon for PvP.
After doing so much clockworks, I mainly play for the PvP, but I also like making my character look pretty and having a bunch of different weapons/armor.
Oh, and Xcelestialneon was a friend of mine. His departure from this game may slightly affect me.

Fear not friends,
Your cries have brought me back :D

Is it just me... or have they removed scenario rooms alt-together?
** eats Wheaties**

Scenario rooms (and danger rooms) only appear in the Clockworks, not in Missions. Since most people only do Missions now, they do not see either of them.
Yeah I know what you mean.
Though I think the bug will be fixed eventually, so if that is what makes you quit I'd wait it out.
If not, oh well. Other mmos in the sea..