Im not sure if this is a sugestion or not...
So should there be like a sign if the guild is dead on wiki guild pages.
Dead guilds

The guild named "Guild" died a while ago.
Axis of Rebirth, my old guild, died.
And then we have Kage no Senshi, a quasi-dying guild that still is hanging in there.

< Knights of Equestria > is surprisingly extraordinarily stable.

Kage no Senshi is still active, just cuz we dont play LD 24/7 doesnt mean we arent there...

It's too difficult to tell the progress of every single guild, even if people just wander about searching for members of each one.
Scarlet Gensokyo is still alive, but it's just very quiet. (Especially after Sick left to form a guild that pretty much died quickly.) Most members you will see is around Haven.

Hmmmm....Why cant guilds have a meeting?
Example: If Unity,Eos,Impreviuos and A F K's Guild Masters were to have a meeting to discuss problems of guilds and there current status or sadly to say that the guild is dead..........And i think someone should have a list of the "Dead" or revived.
I also think This should be a HUGE meeting of all guild masters discussing problems and status.(like the warriors series,YES the cat book! when the clan cats leader meet each other in peace at this huge tree....Btw Who read the cat book?)
I know this has 1% coming true And unlikely to happen but its just an idea

1) I doubt that will ever happen, all the guild masters would have to be on at the same time which I doubt will happen.
2) It's not called the cat book. It's called Warriors, -insert title here-.

@Bank-One A F K isn't exactly that well known, it used to inb4 all the people who started it left........

Because there's no conglomeration of guilds. Most guilds are rather introverted in their affairs and trying to organize a meeting is just naive. You're missing most of the largest guilds in that example (Jempire, Knightmare, etc.) and then how do determine if a guild is significant enough to participate, the varying motives or goals of the guilds, time zones, who would be the representatives for each guild, how would you convey multiple contingencies within the same guild, the list goes on and on.
BTW, if you're wondering what he's ranting to himself about cats is, he's talking about the book series Warriors, a book series featuring almost exclusively talking cats. A book series that I didn't bother to continue reading when I was younger because I found it boring. Really all that I recall of it is that there're talking cats, ghost cats, loosely formed clans, and renegade rebel cats. I had to google the name of the series because it's a lot less interesting than it sounds.

Contrary to popular belief, Guild is in-fact not dead. They are no longer accepting new members.
A few conflicts did occur, and some of the longer playing members have taken up playing other games in light of boredom (and while waiting for new content), but Guild is still alive.

Reign of Chaos is definitely still alive and quite active, and we're patiently awaiting Guild Upgrades so we can accept more members into our ranks. I still see Echo of Silence around a bit, and The Jempire is definitely still active. Same with Beware, and Impervious, and I occasionally see Perfect Storm around too. Knightmare, not so much, and Order of Venus is thoroughly dead now. Guild, I don't see them around any more. Finesse has been gone for a while now, and I think Apathy died as well (don't quote me on that, though). But, not seeing a guild's members running about Haven doesn't necessarily mean they are dead or inactive, it just means they don't hang around in Haven. Those are the older guilds that come to me off the top of my head anyways, but there are still definitely many active guilds around, some new, some old.

I want to see the whole pack If you know what i mean...
When i hear the word active it makes me think that The whole guild is all together at one place hanging out and stuff.
But all i see on havens are "lone" members all by there self. Though i do see Ms./Guild master of unity Cootie cakes always hanging with a group.
And yeah i play 24/7 spend most of my time in haven But don't see guild groups.
@Corrionos Would you happen to know what other Games people are playing when they're not playing spiral knights??
And i really do wish That New guild feature would come up.

Just because you don't see them in Haven doesn't mean they're not logged on. They could be in a different Haven, a different part of Haven, or on a run.

Why would they all have to be together in haven? 1) they have an area specifically made for that. Its called the guild hall. 2) There's /g for guild chat if you want communicate.

Most guilds don't make their inactivity known unless the Guildmaster(s) officially declare the guild dead. Most of the time, the leadership gets passed to some new people, the old people loose interest, and eventually people start leaving until the guild is a hollow shell of what it used to be. It isn't technically "dead" because it still has members running around, but its definitely far from its peak. When a guild is in such a state, most of the time no one will officially post that it is "dead" out of laziness or indifference.

Something like that...

My own guild has been a ghost-guild for a full year now. >40 members and only five people ever log on. Thinking about it is rather funny, I'll say. Well, not like I mind either way.
The guild which joined up with Beware.
Its pretty much dead but ppl still are in it.

soarel, if ur talkin about me, I'm on an 8 week trip. rite now I'm in NYC and i don't had time 2 play, so i do this. and ur speaking ilk u left.

from reading thru da comments, i've read warriors(waiting till i cn get omen 6) and cootie cakes is may frend

dead guilds... hmm. thunder wasabi,definetly.
wen i wuz dere it had 20 peepl and wen i left minus myself, 1

Go back to traveling through NYC, please.

oh evry1s happy. its ilk 7:00 here I'm in bed wit may laptop

The guild I'm a part of, is also hanging in there, we get the occasional recruits now and then.

/brofists Razor-Dash
Guild chat is generally fairly quiet, although that might just be my bad timing. xP

Ever seen guilds that are really dead for long gets resurrected? 0.0

Or it could be we're busy either killing stuff or selling wares. :3

I'm sure Etendue is a talkative man. Comes into Haven I go meet him idling in Haven, chit-chatting with publics!

Although occasionally while I'm waiting for LD I do end up just having a conversation by myself (I believe that is because I talk too much and usually my guildies are either on runs or doing some LD themselves xP) Rogue Knights is still doing good.
Not seen many new faces but they're definitley some popping up now and then ^-^ They seem nice too, apart from that Tdlob ._. He can die.
I won't repeat what people have said, just go back and read some reasons as to what people might be doing other than being in Haven together, although unless no-one is in Haven I will go harrass a guildie. They love it.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

Quite unfortunately, the guild named Lux e Tenebris has died. I am the last remaining member, it is sad to see such a wonderful guild go. all the great people, experiences, and comradery left an impression but, alas, it has ended. welp, ive been a bit clingy to it for the last week but nobody has come back so i will probably just find another guild *wipes a tear from eye*

Soarel is wrong, I saw 2 guys from Guild today, Kennynerd (something like that and someone else like vol something they say its slightly better=)

Knightmare is hanging on by the skin of its teeth as well

Lux e Tenebris was a great place, and had some of the best folks anywhere. I have many fond memories :)
@Xanafein: Really? Aw.
That's up to the guild to update their wiki page. You can't know or expect to know the status of every guild that has a wiki page and there's no way to code something like that.