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How to immune to mist bomb?

@Asukalan: I have yet to see you actually contribute to any thread in these forums. Would it be so hard just to answer the question instead of putting on the old broken record of bitching and acting like a mod?
@Aplauses: To be immune to mist bombs you need the equivalent of a Max and a High UV, i.e. shock max+high skolver set would be immune to Voltaic Tempest, a single piece of skolver (which has freeze resistance equivalent of a max uv) with a high freeze uv would make you immune to Shiver alone, etc etc.

striker (and recon i think) needs max + high to be immune
guardian needs max + med

@ Asukalan
@ Tom-Awsm
Can I immune to mist bomb if I wear a resistance pendant?

Resistances (and Damage Bonuses) work on a point system: In this case you would need +7 Resistance (Low: +1/Medium: +2/High: +3/Maximum!: +4)
In this case, 5* Resistance trinkets give +2 (Medium) per pendant. So you would still need something that has High Resistance via Armor.

Actually, fire 5* resistance trinkets give a High bonus. So yes, that would work Aplauses.
Anything beyond that works too.

I just wear Skolver and run through Shivermist like it doesn't exist.

Asuka does give some pretty good feedback in the Suggestions.

Suggestions forum is where asuka gave good feedback...
General's where tin foil hats need to be sold alongside skin grafts :P

I don't frequent the Suggestions section that much. My point still stands though, it would have been so much easier and more pleasant just to answer the [blessed] question.

@ Glacies
I think the point system is actually this:
Low: +1/Medium: +2/High: +3/Very High: +4/Ultra: +5/Maximum: +6
So....Max + High = +9 ¬¬

@Zaderules: No, armor status resistance UV's (as well as defence increases) only have Low-Med-High-Max, unlike damage bonuses, asi and ctr (only on weapons) which go to Very High/+4 and can be stacked to be maxed out at +6.

guys... UVs and resistances are meh... i can still freeze Skolvers in lockdown with a goddamn cyrotech 2*

@Dajvo Skolver sets only grants immunity to "Low" type of Freeze. Cyrotech deals "Moderate" freeze.
Why you ask questions about one certain aspect of game in general discussion, instead of new recruits form where knights should ask questions about game?
And dont try to pretend you want to have discussion here. You asked one question, you expect answer, and yes there is right answer to your question ,so there is nothing to discuss here.