I ain't saying that It would be below 5.5k.
I atleast say that the p2pers should get their decent payout for what they bought.
But it should be fair for both sides thats the point of this whole thread.
It started kinda rude ended up like to the good way I guess.
Keep You're 100ce, I don't Want it anyway.

I don't trust gaming paying methods.
Right, because thousands upon thousands of people use the systems in place to buy games or things in games, and there are safeguards in place to protect both parties in the rare event of an error, but thats not trustworthy. They're trying to run a business, it's not profitable for them to screw people over, because then their business dies.
Listen, selfishness is the driving force of human nature. You eat food out of concern for yourself because you want to continue living. You work a job because you selfishly want the paycheck. You play games because you want to be entertained. People buy CE with real money because they selfishly want their game of choice to continue entertaining them, and they sell CE because they selfishly want crowns in game, which you buy because you selfishly don't want to spend actual money on CE.
Or, let's put it this way - I bought CE with my hard-earned real money working a job I don't like, and paid to help support the cost of running the game. You bought CE with play money that you got while enjoying the game, and helped to keep the game alive by playing it (MMO's are not fun without other players). The game needs both groups to survive. But, the fact of the matter is the only way CE gets put into the system is when someone pays real money for it, and CE is necessary to progress in the game past two-star gear (with the exception of certain boss-token items, of course). Crowns, however, are put into the system simply by playing the game. So if all the P2P players get together and decide they want to sell at a certain price, you don't have much choice other than to either just not play, or just not progress. Selfishly, I'd rather not have players choose between either of those, since that means less players in the game I enjoy, but those are your three choices - pay the price, don't play, or don't make progress.

What you said is totatly true.
But wouldn't be fun for every gamer if the economy is balanced ?
Games are to entertain thats why everyone should be entertained whoever paid the price or not.
Thats what games are made to otherwise there wouldn't be a f2p section

That's the problem you're having. You think the price is unfair. But the fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter how fair the price is, someone still has to pay it, and if the price gets to the level you want, less people will buy CE with real money. They'll just buy it with the more easily acquired crowns. For the most part, the economy is player driven, though Three Rings does have some level of control over it via crown drop rates, CE sales/promos, and crown sinks. Given no change by Three Rings, the price will always steadily increase due to crown inflation, since crowns ALWAYS enter the system faster than CE. A certain level of inflation is a normal part of a healthy economy.

There might be also another way...
If 3 rings could make the PVP payouts kinda decent.
Blast network has 723 on ffa but isn't much popular I used to play that alot kinda my favorite pvp I kinda raged on the forums to remove it because it didn't got enought attention.
Which has been diffrent by many others.
But its just the way I typ/talk because I am not an English/American person

Alright let us say the price get 12k..
Would there be any f2per to play/ or enjoy the game.
The player base would decrease and the game would be more P2p.
I just try to say It should be balanced on both sides.......

@OP: Try this. http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/56442 You may understand better just how this all works.

The price of CE is directly affected by the amount of crowns in the game. The more crowns (pointing at KoA mission for starters) in game the more people can pay and will pay for CE. Honestly, if Three Rings nerfed KoA payout or even made it impossible to replay KoA and forced people to use the clockworks FSC again I wouldn't be surprised to see CE prices drop back down to 5k-6k per 100.
Simple way to put it.. easier/more crowns ingame the bigger the price for CE per 100 shall be. Right now farming KoA a f2p can still play as long as they want at a cost of 8k crowns every 2 runs. In these 2 runs they most likely got 14-16k crowns and 6-8 tokens. People can afford to pay 8k per 100 CE if they are farming KoA mission. As normal t3 runs (unless you hit 3 or 4 arenas) will be lucky to just pass 7k crowns for a full 9 level run. KoA is where the crown inflation is coming from. (Elevator passes also but even with those passes it was still 6k-6.5k per 100 ce many months ago)
Don't expect CE prices to decrease without KoA getting crown drop nerfed. Even promos are only a temp solution. Decreasing the elevator cost even for a day or two also affects the CE price. There are many factors here.. but the ultimate reason is crown inflation.

Alright I get the whole point.
To any admin I would Like to ask to remove this thread to the graveyard or lock it.

I want it raised to about 15k, then I can finally get some decent ratios for UVs.

There were times ce prices were at 3.5k crowns. No one complained.
Not even REMOTELY true.

Uh, you call people that use real money for their game enjoyment lazy? Money that they get from working their ass off?

lol Repicant, it is true. There was once a time when Steam did their TF2/SK event and at that point of time CE was at 3.5k per 100. Though CE has done nothing but increase and keep increasing it shall with how things are.

lol Repicant, it is true. There was once a time when Steam did their TF2/SK event and at that point of time CE was at 3.5k per 100.
You misunderstand. I know what prices were and they were even lower than that upon release [and higher in Beta and the Preview Events, but that's another can of worms]. What I'm refuting is the claim that no one complained when the price was 3.5k crowns per 100 CE, which isn't even remotely true. People. Complained. A lot.
Though CE has done nothing but increase and keep increasing it shall with how things are.
That's also not true. Where is the rock you are living under and is it rent controlled?

If you were to do Dauntless Delver, that would be the amount of 290CE.
Each 22.6Hours makes up 100CE
in so,
good luck waiting two FULL DAYS to do the achivement Dauntless Delver
You cant upgrade your stuff, so GL HF
Without any purchases in the game NOBODY would even have anything higher than three stars which is Stupid

"To any admin I would Like to ask to remove this thread to the graveyard or lock it."
EDIT -> Move to -> Graveyard
And you're calling other people lazy...

WE Should Remove You and Lock you up in the Graveyard with the Zombies! He has the FReedom of Speech! Now, I Will Excercise My Freedom of Speech!
Stop Supporting the Guilty! There is a reason why HALF the people are beggars in Spiral Knights
I was just sitting there and took a snapshot to prove you wrong. This beggar was begging for 20 min and he wouldn't stop even after Admiralaweome told him to go earn it himself. This happens on a daily basis.
Don't Make me make film it! >.> because i can.
Hey i offer people a chance to make crowns by buying their mats, but they don't want to work for it and its true.

Tell those idiots to do missions or run the clockwork, instead of "earning it". If they don't stop, I usually ignore them.

i doubt that one rage threader thats mad that he cant go to tier 3 because of the price of ce will change the economy, go ahead and dont buy it you wont make much of a difference. ''Goodluck selling it''
they will have good luck selling it since its in such high demand

You should be thankful P2Pers are selling you CE at all. They have no obligation to.
I've got some CE I paid for but no way am I selling it, especially at a measly 8k for 100CE; I've got places I intend to use it.
Keep your 8k, I don't want them anyway.

I hope we don't have any obligations to buy from someone such as you CE. I really hope OOO makes soon this game without a limit to play and craft without "outside interruptions" of having to trade someone "money with ingame currency". Such elitism makes me sick.
Even though this thread also didn't begin well.
Then the bandaid solution:
Sadly, the promos wasn't liked and OOO had a patch that effed up the game.
So, obviously, with MORE F2P, the Ce will increase. So, unless there are more "Lazy P2P who don't grind for crowns others sit on a Computer 24/7 to get", we will have higher prices. Infact, there is the summer promo for steam, which will bring more of the players in.