In no way are these actual suggestions. Just curious on the forum's opinions.
What do you think would happen (to the conversion prices between CE/CR, or just in general) if:
1. Shufflebots in the Advanced Training Hall dropped 1 crown upon death (instead of nothing)?
2. You could keep pickups (ex. Capsules, Vials) obtained from the Clockworks for later usage? (Or perhaps they could be timed?)
3. The mist storage capacity be increased from 100 to 200?
4. CE only able to be bought with crowns in batches of 50 (Instead of the original 100)? What about 200?
5. Elevator Passes were removed?
If you have some time to spare, or have other things to contribute, feel free to respond.
Random side-question: Why the heck is there a "Caps-Lock filter"? It totally ruins the flow and emotion of conversation in the game. :C
suggestions forum, and no to all of those -_-