What do you think is coming out next? And what do you think will come of it?
I think Danger Missions could be next, but there's notice of new Combat and Guild Improvements.
I believe this could help draw attention away from FSC, allowing for the Market to settle a bit, until it goes back up.
Predictions for the Future

A proof that OOO dont gives a damn about playerbase, for example another monster nerf

All the overwhelming evidence that suggests that 3 Rings, does not in fact care about it's customers.
Sounds like the same ol' song~
You made me - Promises, promises
Knowing I'd believe......
Promises, promises, Why do I believe????
(C/O NAKED EYES @1990)

Figure when this game hits the can, I'll just move on to Guild Wars 2. Mark my words, unless some "miracle patch rolls in", this game won't last any longer. We've made our suggestions, now it's up for 3Rings to actually listen.
But don't get your hopes up.

A threat of people complaining about the honest review of a certain MMO game reviewer. At least, his last video said he was going to take into an action game made by a puzzle MMO company...

1. More Energy threads
2. More players saying they will quit, but they are already addicted to the game and lie to us.
3. A failed protest
4. Rage about something even though its already a great concept
5. 300 random threads on the same topic, but everyone feels its important to say their 2 cents since saying it on a topic which they didn't create doesn't give them the recognition they deserve.
"A proof that OOO dont gives a damn about playerbase, for example another monster nerf"
Your text is the proof that your personality isn't able to see that Three Rings is changing this game to help people which have general, latency or performance problems to master this game. Your negative things in your texts are often really so big that I really feel embarrassed for you.

What will come?
-CE and cr sink
-Even more lagfest stuffs!
-Weapons and monsters nerf
-Even more limited promos
-Mini bugfix
-Newbie friendly content while old players gets bored to death
Trust me!Everything I write will come next update!

- nerfs even if community says "NO to nerfs"
- no asian/oceania server
- ignoring so far all F2P players by not letting them to buy OCH with CE or trade it with someone within OFFICIAL CLIENT
- ignoring players petitions even if they have gained major support from playerbase

- Majority of the player base can't even handle doing vanna, or any other t3 run without dying like crazy (If you want proof just do t3 runs with random pugs)
- No asian/oceania server since their player base is not huge enough to make it profitable for Three Rings (most likely, since last time they were asked on this issue the game masters just told us its a very little player base in that area of the world)
- They, said they are working on OCH with Ce trade within the official client, but you don't ever look at anything the dev's say since lets be honest your Mr. Negativity who wrong 100% of the time.
- Players petitioned not to buy any more ce and quit this game until they fix the binding patch, but those are the same players who still went and bought Ce, and if they listen to majority of the player base well lets be honest Ce would free of cost. They, listen to us and change up ideas that are suggested to put their own spin on it such like monster packs etc.

I, for one, hope we get improvemnts for our guild hall next.
That would be fun and helpful.

Excessive and overwhelming negativity from forum members
Excessive and overwhelming optimism from the random guys I talk to in Haven

And forgot to add completely abandoned Kongregate client.

EDIT: Just kidding that's " ^ " in 2011

The danger missions will probably include the core as the final boss and may have a few minibosses as well. (Probably bringing Rhendon back as a helper or enemy.)
Old Monsters such as Torto and Big Jelly will be reintroduced and new monsters will appear.
Team attacks and duel wielding may become possible.
New weapons, armor, and of course, guild benefits.

I think the core is a bit optimistic. I'm expecting a little bit more from the Swarm TBH, with obscure references that hint at you being in the core while you do so. We may get in the core, but I doubt it'll be explicitly stated. For example, I've theorized for a while that the Sanctuary is actually within the core, but there is neither proof denying nor accepting it to be true. The recon module at the end of the King of Ashes alludes to this being true, but it has been neither confirmed or denied.
That or I'm giving OOO too much credit in the story department...
A new boss.