Or in plain English, does the Defender line suck?
Caliburs are pretty useful but Defenders....not sure.
Or in plain English, does the Defender line suck?
Caliburs are pretty useful but Defenders....not sure.
If you dont use swords, while considering its free, it has a chance agaisnt the other pirece shields.
It's slightly better than BTS, as long as you never use swords.
Minor grammatical quibble: Dost is second person; doth is third person. I do, thou dost, she doth.
Also, don't mix archaic english with modern french. It's an insult to everyone who fought- and died- at the Battle of Agincourt.
Minor forum quibble: this post would be more at home in the arsenal forum, where die-hard equipment experts would happily dissect the question in detail.
All that aside: it's a mediocre item by design. It was meant to be a starter item that you could always craft regardless of access to other recipes. Prior to the introduction of the Hall of Heroes, it was an important solution to the problem of recipe availability, and the basic recipes helped many people earn Tier 3 clearance when any other specific 4* recipe was otherwise very hard to obtain.
The basic defense is decent, but for more interesting and specialized items, seek elsewhere.
For actual defense, it's as good as BTS. However, BTS has that handy Sword Damage Bonus: Medium. In other words, BTS is strictly better, but that doesn't mean Aegis is bad. It's still very usable.
1) This thread should be in Arsenal
2) How many threads can you make in a week? x_x
cool down....
Yes, for the most part, the defender line is horrible.