For today's supply mission, it needs a compact supply pack. So I bought one but I couldn't start the mission. Why?
The button is just grey and locked and I have tried to log off-and-on again but it doesn't work.
Can anyone tell me how to do that?
How do I start supply mission?
ya I bought the right one which cost $1,000 cr and I have it in my material section
But still, I couldn't click the "start" button
There's a little box above the large start button, asking you to confirm that you do want to give this. Check that, and you should be able to do the mission if you do in fact have the right materials.
For the daily bonus prestige missions you can only do the two missions which are colored in, the two gray ones are for tomorrow.
If the button to turn in your rewards is grayed out you may have the wrong item or have already done it today.
See above.
in fact, i trird everything you guys mention and i just couldn't find the tick button and i am sure i have the right thing...if this happens again, i will take a pic. But thanks fellows
The box that needs to be ticked should be located between the start button and the "items required" box.
I know I mean the box doesn't show up in order for i can't tick it
And I think even if i don't have the right thing the box shows too. But it doesn't in my case...
1) Did you buy the right pack?
2) Did you check the box?