I am a gm and i saw that these days small amount of people log in my guild and in haven(ld blast etc) i see few people log in!Friends who played everyday for long time now they log 3 days per week and play 1hour...One month before our guild has 10 persons always online..I believe that this game needs an update(boss, guild improvement or a pvp game).Enough with the tails and ears do something useful for this game or many people will leave..This is my oppinion..if u have the opposite belief please discuss and tell the reasons..:)
decrease on the population?

Looking at the Steam stats, the peak number of Spiral Knights players was around 1700 today (Steam users only). A few months ago, somebody asked about the popularity of Spiral Knights on Reddit, and the peak was around 1800 users. So it appears that the population is similar to what it was a few months ago.
In case you're interested: I checked the Steam stats during the free elevator weekend, and the daily peak was around 3000 users.

@ radarblue i found new people this is not the problem...they play a little because they dont have something new to do..well we all log in a day but i think its getting boring without an update..@goofio thanks for the stats..the thing i am sayin is that they didnt leave but we all lost motivation to play more...so even if the stats show how many members log it doesnt show how long did they play..anyway i hope that the statics are right because i feel a little empty the server...

Well, it's the peak number of users, so that's the highest number that were online at the same time.
If people play longer for a given session, it is more likely that their session will overlap with other peoples'. This makes the peak value higher.

I can tell you when the first 4 havens were always full, and yes that included the arcade as well.

"was around 1700 today (Steam users only)."
STEAM users.
That's not surprising to me actually.

Do keep in mind he said "steam users".
That does not include those that run off of the sites browser or from Kongregate (or whatever that place is.)

Yeah, those stats were for Steam users, but looking at those numbers is sort of like taking a sample of the Spiral Knights population.

Keep in mind if their is 1.7 to 1.8k users just active on sk via steam their might be many more users or the same amount at least active using sk without steam =0

3.5k active accounts perhaps? Since not many use straight browser and some use Kongregate?

The peak is the number of players online at the same time. So if the peak is 1700, then at some point during the day 1700 people were playing the game on Steam at exactly the same time.
It doesn't give information on the number of active accounts, but it is the only real-time Spiral Knights statistic that I have found.
haven't been on in 2 months but whenever i get on i always do a little donation purchase so they can make SK bigger and better. just waiting now
Find new people. If need be, kick the guys who hasn't played the longest.