I just want to know what is your best LD damage.
Please list if you are gunner/bomber/swordsman and what tier you are playing.
Also put what class you play:recon/striker/guardian.
My stats
Best damage:25,654
What is your best LD damage
5k with hammer (not uncommon, just about everyone who uses it gets this much)
and about 3700 or so without it (T1, striker, "swords")
There are at least two lockdown records threads with activity in the last 48 hrs. Please search for those rather than splitting off yet another decentralized thread- there's a lot more records in those threads, and they actually have screenshots as verification.
there is already a post where we put the damage in photos
As Pauling said. Mine was a bit more believable, but impossible unless you have the teams fixed.
Everyone's better than me...
Guardian swordsman/bomber
Best Damage" Few hundred more than 6k damage.
6K!!! GAWD y do I suck so much? D:
It was today. The entire other team of skolvers and vogs had us crowded up in our base, so I began to use my Jalovec Charge to smash our way out. So much explosiony explosions.
well, if you are going for damage, one tip is to skip capturing the first base, and goto the other team's closest base with like a GF or DA and just spam that at 6ppls. that should get you like 5k immediately. although I woudlnt recommend that. capturing is the only way to win, remember. only do it when you want to get shouted by the whole team, or just want to lose 200crs
Ah yes, damage. The only thing that matters in King of the Hill.
23kdmg recon gunner
All from nova driva charges :D
I forgot screenie when I did :(
41k damage with the bugged up hammer so that doesn't count...
With my regular load out the highest I hit was I think around 35k-36k damage. No one should really go for damage, all about the average player! :D
I play striker and swordsman and sometimes gunning skolver guy