It seems as though there is a flood of complaint on the forums when OOO releases frequent promos. Promos lower the price of CE. Now that OOO has stopped releasing as many promos, naturally, the price of CE has gone up. Now that OOO has stopped intervening in the economy, there is a flood of complaint on the forums that CE is too expensive. Thoughts?
Anyone else notice?

@OP This actually makes a lot of sense.
~+++++++~WARNING! The above post may contain irony, sarcasm, or humor, read at your own risk!~+++++++~

Promos really only slow down the raising CE price. OOO noticed this a while ago, and has been messing with the economy for a while. I wrote this down somewhere before, but I'll write it down again.
They started with FSC I believe. They first bumped up the crowns received per FSC run to a MASSIVE 12k cr, which made the CE price jump up from about 7.5k to almost 8k. Then, they went in the opposite direction, and made the crowns received per FSC run a measly 6.5k cr, which did cause the CE price to start approaching 7.2k and below, but the huge player backlash made them reverse it in a few days.
They messed around with Tier 2 crown drop rate, seeing how changing the crowns per RJP and IMF run would affect the economy. I don't recall seeing any major difference, and it may have been more to attract people to do IMF runs over RJP runs.
The Anniversary Update brought a promo that had only a very small chance of containing some nice accessories. While it seemed stupid on the surface, it was them testing to see if making the accessories rarer per CE promo bought would have an effect on the quantity of said CE promo bought.
There was the addition of Mirrored Lockboxes! They are a far more valuable counter-part to the Iron Lockbox and were OOO attempt to see how the demand for Lockboxes would influence the economy.
The pet adoption thing was another thing that seemed stupid on the surface. It gave players 7 days to get 175,000 crowns for a single accessory... a feat most see as impossible without dedicated grinding. This was OOO making a MASSIVE crown sink that demanded players to buy CE and then sell it in order to afford it. Ideally this is the kind of thing that lowers the price of CE: people buying CE and then selling it as soon as possible in as big of quantity as possible.
There was the introduction of a new Rescue Camp, to see how an increase of players (Including some new P2P players) would affect the economy (raise the CE price due to more F2P than P2P).
I am guessing that they had intended to release the Danger Mission(s) earlier, but development took longer than expected. When CE prices started to creep into the 8k range and players grew unhappy, they hastily threw together the current promo in hopes of delaying the CE price rise for a few more weeks until they could finish.

The OP is the Opening Post; @OP means a reply to the Opening Post.

If everyone had a complete breakfast - Including a bowl of Krogmo Krunch, then CE prices would definitely go down.

Stop spamming this [in sexual intercourse engaging] Krogmo Krunch picture all over the place! Seerusly!

@Zolota it's just as bad as people saying: FALCON PUNCH! or ~Gwen ~Tsu.
it's the internet, PROBLEM?

But I've seen this kid just spamming this picture in interesting topics and I dislike this. Once while I was nolifing, I've seen him post the picture simultaneously in 4 different topics.

@ Zolota-
Its supposed to be a "metaphoric picture" , If you look closely at some of the text inscribed within its supposed to add some humor.
At the same time it also has a double meaning, Hence that is why I post in most of the forums.
Now just think if 3 rings would actually make a physical cereal like this one? Would you buy it? HELL YES I would!! xD

I would agree that promos slow down the price of CE, but accessories like dragon wings definitely took the price down. I just think if people hate on promos, they lose the right to complain about losing the effect promos have on the economy.

I wonder with the Next Chinese Lunar Year being that of the tiger, Would they have a tiger tail promotion????

@Wolvain Promos in general slow the CE price unless they are really dramatic. The only example of this that I can think of was the X-mas promo, but that made the $15 Explorer pack only $3.
Dragon and I think Valk Wing promos lowered the CE price a bit, but the longer the promo lasts, the more people get wings, the demand for wings decreases, and less people buy wings.
People are either greedy or morons, or both.
That's... pretty much it.