If you are having trouble getting through the Tier 3 expansion mission Operation Crimson Hammer (OCH) for the 5* weapons/helmet, then for 175ce or 16,000crowns I will carry you through the entire mission covering all of your elevators and revives. I can take you through no matter what your current Tier is. If you own an elevator pass it just means I won't need to tab you.
So 175ce/16kcrowns gets you:
- A full T3 OCH run
- 2 5* weapons
- 1 Perfect Mask Fragment (3 are needed to craft the 5* helmet
If you are interested, send me a message either through mail or in a friend request (I will not accept friend requests, but I will keep them in my inbox so I know who's interested) telling me you are interested in the T3 OCH mission.
In-game name: Xedma
You MUST already own the expansion mission.
Edit: Crown price is now 16k due to rising CE prices.
Hey, weren't you the guy zonechatting in Haven 1 to bring people through Tier 3 missions for 175 CE?
Also, any player who is at the point of being ready for T3 OCH has good guild friends who'd come for free.