Like the title says.
Most of the LD players have good uvs like myself.
But isn't it fair for the players who don't, its kind of unbalanced and you can't see the diffrence between good or bad.
Because the worst players might have a CTR VH voltaic tempest and then kill you. Or anything you can imagine.
Also Trinkets and Auto aiming. Makes it alot easier for those who can't even aim and kill.
My point is that every Wep you use inside pvp the uv wouldn't work.
Then the pvp would mean atleast something.
Blast network, The pvp that I used to play alot and now became a graveyard.
Is far more balanced then LD. You can't cheat. by getting uv/trinkets/Auto aim.
The only thing that matters in that minigame is skillz.
The only pvp I like from every other game.
This is about as right as it'll get.
This man he knows.