Note: I'm not going to say what this directs to, because this directs to everyone: those who are frustrated, those who are confused, those who are giving up. Hold on to that first feeling.
This is written prior to my comment in a post related to CE prices (yup you guessed it right). At that moment, I awoke from my blind sleep. I opened my eyes. I looked around... many were still asleep. I know that some have already awaken out there, but to be sure, I hastily wrote this wake-up call... Listen to me, fellow knights!
Don't be blinded by greed, by power, by the illusions before you. Open your eyes and see the Gates before you. They are open, they welcome you to search what's inside! Yet, you slowly forgot about them. You turned away from them...
Don't chase after the worldly luxuries, they are temporary. The adventures you experience are permanent. Remember the greatest time when you had a blast with your party members, going deeper and deeper and closer to the Core? Remember when you first befriended someone you know from a victorious battle? Wake up and think!
Don't let weariness get hold of you. Lay down your burdens, forget about getting the better gear now. It can always wait. It's ok if you're being overpowered. Learn from mistakes and practise over and over again. Never rely too much on good weapons, but on good skills.
Go to the clockwork Gates, and just have fun! Experience Spiral Knights like how you had did before. Don't ever succumb to greed. If crowns or CE is all you want, you're missing out what's out there in store for you. Eventually, you'll feel that Haven no longer carries the same excitement you have: when you were stepping into that busy town, from the very beginning, as a new player...
Hold on to that first feeling.
A crowd of Chromalisks cheers in approval.