You can't enter in how many offers by typing. Instead, rich players need to click the up arrow thousands and thousands of times to put all their offers in. This is an injustice to P2W players, and makes CE walling harder.
The REAL problem with the CE market!

What was funny? o-o How my fingers bled from clicking the up arrow literally thousands of times trying to place offers? :C

Aw man the rich player is hurting his wittle fingers unbalancing the market!

Welp, this will show the seriousness of the conditions of ce prices and trumps my post. As how it relates to me now, I need to realize my real gainsThe guy I asked about the steam game said he would hold it for me in a few days, that was about two days ago. Had prices stabilized in real prices I would've had 54000 cr to spend is it was 800 lower than 8600. I just hope the buy now supply is still at x1000 though, but I doubt it since I bought off like 60% of the previous selling bid which had a supply at x 110 or something. So the x1000 supply will be gone by tomorrow to set the new higher price, ahha. Damn, I knew I should've stocked up at 7600 or less a week ago or so. Thanks all knowing one.

A serious `P2W` player would hire a `F2P` to do all that manual mouse clicking for them. :P

Considering how high CE is compared to normal, might be best just to sell now and avoid it dropping before getting this insane ratio. I sold about 50k today.
Now I just have to wait for it to drop again ^_^

That is why the walling isn't working.
You people didn't store up crowns.
You are supposed to store up crowns and then wall up the BUYING energy, that is how you force players to drive the price for energy UP.
And now you want it to drop and wait until then?
Spectrumized and Mczeno, I am disappointed in you two!
EDIT: NONONO dudes it is CROWN walling not CE walling!!! You make offers to BUY energy, which forces players to make offers above the wall since it isn't their wall!
CE walling won't do anything but drive DOWN the prices! It makes paying players have to make LOWER offers, that is a bad thing for us!

I'm dreadfully sorry, but yesterday all my riches were stored in energy instead of crowns. Now that I have made all my energy crowns, I shall wall the buy side. <3
As soon as I get the energy to click the up arrow 1340 times ;_;

lmao... don't switch sides a bunch! You need to buy CE only for this to work.

Hmmmm Interesting.. those that would otherwise boast such vast riches, are usually the poorest players in SK to begin with. xD

P2W= Pay 2 Win
This game isn't a Pay 2 Win. What Using your $$$ really does is make progression 10,000x easier You looking for a game that REALLY is Pay 2 Win? Check out MapleStory.
I absolutely had to correct that.

I know MapleStory very well. Thousands of dollars well... >_> 'dem fudging cubes...
Regardless of what some of the extreme games have as their P2W, the fact that if you spend money you can do better than someone who hasn't spent money makes it possible for players to pay enough to 'win' (Revive their way through everything, supply depot all equips, etc.)
Whats P2W? Pay to Win?