I was wondering if anyone knows which guns are able to shoot while moving and which ones don't. My friend told me that the Autogun requires the user to stand still to shoot. I find this to be important for being able to use hit and run tactics or strafing.
Walking + Shooting
Maybe a better description from what I've seen: The guns all seem to require you to be still while their animations run. Autogun has a very long animation.
I think all guns should allow moving while shooting. The fact that alchemers do is one of the reasons why they are widely preferred, and I don't think that has been taken into account with the balancing. A magnus might be more powerful now than an equal-level alchemer, but I'll be damned if i'm going to use a gun I can't circlestrafe with.
So are you saying that Magnus is one of the few guns that cant shoot while moving or are you just using it as an example of balance?
You can't move while shooting with a Magnus indeed, but it still is a very powerful gun. As long as you don't double shoot and get stuck at that long reloading-animation then you should be fine in my opinion. A somewhat sadistic part with this gun though is it's range I think. It has a very short range which needs you to get closer to enemies compared to other guns. And then added you get the longer shooting animation which doesn't allow you to run away just as fast.
Still loving that gun though!
I'm not sure which ones exactly allow to move or not, but I've found that almost all the guns allow you to move while shooting. Autogun is special because it shoots like a billion bullets at once while normal guns only shoot 1 bullet at once.