Why is CE getting so expensive!!!
Because u man cannot discuss
Methionylthreonylthreonylglutamin... (GM note: While it's true that that is not the chemical name for SPAM, it's still a giant wall o' text which is rendering the forums very difficult to read. Please feel free to provide an offsite link to the word in question, though!)
Probably too excited from what he learned from organic chemistry class...
Mayhaps you received High marks on your quiz, I commend you.
Because the 99% consume more CE than they purchase.
If the average knight has 9 5* items when they finish playing they will have consumed at a minimum 10000 CE. Someone has to spend ~3 USD for each Knight to have a 5* item.
Pro-Armor is in my guild and has joined the CE Ragers...
That is quite the interesting observation Sir Didy (and pretty much spot-on). Now you've made me curious, I must tally up how much I have been paid by others to play SK.
I am not sure how much I have spent vs. the equipment I have but my guess is that I may have spent enought to sponsor a sword or two for you.
please carve Didy in the hilt :)
For estimation purposes I'm lumping all the 5* stuff together including elite trinkets and stuff starting at 3* and Crust of Almire. It roughly evens out though, since I have a bunch of 4* items lying around as well.
44 crafted 5* items x (100 + 300 + 700) = 48400 CE
Assuming the middle-of-the-road $10 package (350 CE/$USD), then I've been paid just shy of $140 based on equipment alone. Not bad considering playing SK is something I enjoy and play for fun. (Might meet minimum wage... for a sweatshop in China)
/me goes off to stitch "I <3 DIDY" on the brim of his Nameless Hat.
Why do we keep getting so many CE rage threads!!!