Would it be helpful to anyone to compile a few guides to the SK Wiki markup language? I have not yet found a specific discussion on it, but I might start a thread here for those casual code-monkeys who have identified some of the idiosyncrasies of code in this wiki (or perhaps even have the technical nous to explain some of them!).
As a disclaimer: I had never edited a wiki before knuckling down to build our Guild page, so I was learning from scratch - to that end, much of the formatting I've pursued is probably not directly relevant to the clearly-formatted, informative layout of the wiki proper. However that may be, much of what I've learned has related to template usage and practices for writing clean code.
Are you talking about a "Help" thread? Have you ne'er Lurked? Did you not look at the SK Wiki guides?
I know that Wikipedia proper is a good place to start for those new to wiki editing (and the overviews on the SK Wiki are pretty neat), but there are a bunch of native templates that don't carry over to our dear SK Wiki - and any number of SK-specific templates to become artful in using. Also, while I realise there is already a Help:WhatOhGodsHelp thread stickied here, I was hoping to focus on sharing more specific knowledge about the code (possibly involving some collective troubleshooting if people are up for that).
So, in the spirit of clearing up coding/formatting issues for the very, very, newbesque and the very, very pedantic, I thought it might not be such a bad idea to open a dialogue on the nitty-gritty of the SK wiki, or the use of code itself, for those who might be having issues wrapping their head around why code does what it does (or simply require someone to clarify whether it's them or the code!).
To start off on the technical side of things, I still have trouble with parameters - I know they apply differently to the different Table templates, but I have a lot of trouble with applying horizontal-align and vertical-align parameters (valign in all its forms doesn't seem to affect tables, cells, or showhide tables...at least in the many ways I've tried applying them).
What I can say is that
is a deitysend (guess how many weeks it took me to find that one out? So dense).I recall someone else saying in an old post (as they were discussing HTML and CSS) how careful they had to be with the white space in the wiki code.
Have you found any other small tricks or traps that you've come across, or managed to solve via trial and error? (I'm keeping a note file, myself.)