Today's release notes can be found here:
June 19 Update - Discussion
Oh, it seems nothing changed. More useless patches.
Time to go away again.
At least this makes it easier for me to play missions other than freakin FSC and jelly palance.
Yet that feature could be useful -that is if there weren't missions around yet...
Now I can know that everyone just plays Firestorm Citadel! Thanks OOO! Job Well Done! :D
I want to have an explanation of the difference between "Join Group" and "Party Finder"
Is this the devs trying to bring back the Arcade?
That would be amazing if they want to have the Arcade back. Make this game not as dumbed down as the missions and HoH made and ruined it.
I've been hoping for something this to appear - I always dislike when I am unable to find people to go on a mission with. I also appreciate that it will continue to work while I do other things in Haven, so I won't have to spend my whole life in the Arcade while I wait to enter a gate. Very nice, OOO!
More and more I seem to think that 3 Rings ties are with Microsoft. xD
( Just How many Operating systems did they make before making a decent one?)
So like.... why does this make it any different to find a group than the "join group" button? It seems that both would do basically the same thing?
Eh, I guess I will have to see this first. Likely, this won't change anything from what it sounds like. We need an actual reason to go into the Arcade or do something besides Vana.
@ The-Rawrcake
The party finder works while you are in Haven, so you don't have to constantly click the 'Join Group' button.
There's something to do with it with the new content....
This was a very useful, much-needed feature on the preview server, and I look forward to using it in production. Thanks for getting it out there!!
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wati w a i t Hold on one moment please so I can process this....
So now we can not only jump to the most profitable levels in the game and have clear cut access to them so long as we either have a guild, friends, or the required gear, but now we are given the option to do that more easily with people we dont know and most likely dont want to play with?
I'd say "At least its something" but this is pretty small to be anything.
If Tohru speaks the truth, then I have low expectations for the new content.
And an hour of downtime. I GUESS that's reasonable, but its pretty sad that NOTHING else is coming in along with it. And no, Stealth patches are a myth that are just a nerfs that slip in from time to time.
The problem is some missions (namely FSC, IMF, RJP) bring you directly to the main point.
What would make Arcade less obscure is making those missions start at Emberlight or Moorcroft Manor instead, but with fixed stages inbetween.
At least they let us see bright as day that everyone runs King of Ashes instead of Dark Cities and Candlestick Keeps in the arcade, instead of us just us saying it we now will have proof?
Sad thing is that they will probably take this update as an "improvement to the Arcade" for what little they can just so they can ignore how ruined the Arcade is and feel as if they "recently" "patched it".
And no, the HoH is not alright, it just dumbs this game down.
I am saying this way too much because people ignore what I say. HoH makes more NPC interactions and less player interactions. It makes this game more dumbed down into a mission button for our needs. It makes this game less challenging in other ways than the weak content, and makes it less complex.
The HoH is bad for this game and the only people who have like HoH are new players or selfish, antisocial players.
By the way, you might want to edit out that word you used in your subject, they've handed me a warning for things simply controversial and much less than that.
"What would make Arcade less obscure is making those missions start at Emberlight or Moorcroft Manor instead, but with fixed stages inbetween."
All for that, but by fixed stages you mean only one map of the exact same layout and enemies that only have ~2 attacks total and areso predictable that I can run through the T3 version in 2* armor and not die once while my fully equipped 5* friend dies once per floor. (yes, i did that for both times I went down with him to do the prestige mission today. Its pretty rediculous.)
This is becoming a game of how long can you pay attention to the screen.
Also going on with the suggestion I've said before, it'd take more energy to do the whole FSC mission, therefore reducing FSC grinding and by conclusion CE prices.
@Xylka: I mean fixed stages like stages that don't constantly change, unlike the Arcade version.
"it attempts to find parties for you near your current Rank."
Oh, that is great.
Not only do they enjoy the fact that they have made missions mandatory for new players due to it being the only way to gain clearance and the HoH, they are embracing this.
Now, finding groups in the Arcade is going to be based on mission rank?
Dear Lord.
It feels like the game is being made so that you dont need teamwork.
Anyways, If I can solo T3 in 2* gear and kill anything in 3 hits with my 5* weapons; why do WE have to make the game harder?
Anyone want to make a thread to take apoll on how many people ACTUALLY use this. Sure its only going to be based off forumers, but that's well enough for me.
Low Low Low expectations for the new content,and I'm beginning to think that even the Guildhall update will be much less than what everyone was thinking.
"Now, finding groups in the Arcade is going to be based on mission rank?"
Thanks everyone, now the new players will REALLY never meet anyone until they are at least 4*
I renember this being suggested in the suggestions forums.
Put another way, it will make it more obvious when someone isn't running FSC. The ease with which one can find partymates on those missions makes FSC more attractive than it would be otherwise.
But now if I want to fight Arkus, people can see it, become interested, and hop right in; I don't have to count on people randomly clicking "join" within 30 seconds of me. Hopefully this will create a positive feedback loop and encourage social play, in the same way that the "join" button does for the arcade.
This makes me regret the time I began to no longer do prestige missions. Oh wait, nope.
Edit: This is more in response to Xylka's post about low expectations for new content
The new content, from the preview server, is supposed to be good + have a good difficulty. Don't have too low of expectations, it should be good.
Does that make this game no longer hello kitty island adventure?
Heeeeeck no.
Missions still dumb this game down to nothing unique like the ever changing clockworks used to advertise this game as. HoH and Supply Depot still make this game antisocial.
Nothing will change until something is done to bring life back into the Arcade. The devs have shown us, with this specific update here, that they promote missions and hate their original, creative and unique idea of the ever changing clockworks of Cradle.
They only let us get clearance for a tier by the missions.
They only offer non-boss recipes with their dumbed-down accessibility in missions.
They are now making a group finder that finds you groups based on mission rank.
but it only finds parties of YOUR rank, which means less interaction between knights of different tiers, which means there are no more Pro's guiding Newbs. The Mission system is now the game guide.
And maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way and being a bit too negative, but its not like we have much to work with. Its either you're optimistic, negative and have little hope for the game, or dont care for either side.
There should be more coming for the Arcade, so long as they don't use this update as their fail "oh, I recently added this group finder thing that should make the arcade better and I can ignore working on the arcade for a long time now".
When no, it is now based on mission rank, so that should encourage me to go farther than just getting the mandatory mission clearance and HoH.
It's just those 4 words ruining this patch: "near your current Rank."
But will the arcade update be made into more missions, killing it all over again?
Maybe they should just make the boss missions take you into the arcade where the boss is?
That way there's no reason to replay the mission, you only do the mission once to complete it and then you go into the arcade to farm it.
Why is Thalia covering for Eurydice?
Pay no attention to the thread posting minion.
This is a more PvE-focused update, not PvP.
Best we discuss PvE.
So before this thread gets de-railed into some 1 vs. 1 idea:
tl;dr to this thread
missions are bad, and please quit making them mandatory. Some of us prefer to play the game how it was advertised, always changing + on the planet Cradle, not on the planet Mission Land.
1. Please don't make this patch based on mission rank, 2. Please scrap the mandatory clearance for the next tier only being in missions, 3. Please nerf HoH and Supply Depot, and then 4. please make the payouts in Arcade less ridiculous.
I already made a thread about how Thalia replaces everyone.
First Nick, then Hyperion and Clotho. Now Eurydice.
The rest should better watch out their seats....
I dont like the idea: Near to ur current rank, cuz not all people do the rank misions, i dont do it cuz they are soo boring, soo i will have to play with some noobs guys? well i really dont care i just will play alone and invite some friends to my party like allways do.
Please fix this in order:
1.- Decresed CE cost.
2.- Incremented payouts on arcades misions.
3.- Incremented dificulty on prestigy misions.
4.- Don't make this patch based on mission rank.
"well i really dont care i just will play alone"
Perhaps this is what they want to happen?
Thus why they had some odd logic for thinking HoH and Supply Depot making this game more antisocial is a good thing.
Doing rank missions has served me then as a filter for people of my "playtime", more or less. Nice feature.
And does this "one hour estimated downtime" mean that OOO has finally reacted so they don't have to "compensate" and give free elevators?
We want 1vs1 and I would appreciate the possibility of playing *team* lockdown (i.e.: not *guild* lockdown) so we can group as friends and make good and organized teams (even because guild lockdown... really... how many instances does SK have on the average per day?).
This patch with 1h of downtime (developers??) might be cool but we want to kill each other instead!! XD
I agree to a lot of that. Maybe there should be a special type of class thingy, where, upon starting the game, you get to either be knights (Like how it currently is) or you get to be, I dunno, bandits, or something like that. Not really bandits, but there would be no missions to do. You could only progress through the clockworks. Just an idea of the top of my head.
And now, another patch because patch is broken. *Sigh*
Looks like the devs are having a rocky time today...
On the bright side, through all this pain, we'll most likely get half off elevators + 1 day added to elevator passes, as per usual whenever things go wrong like this.
Yep, the screen no longer dims when being asked to trade, BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. You can no longer hide this trade request window. There is only "Accept" and "No Thanks". I assume it is the same with party invites.
Likely unintended, not a stealth patch.
"You can no longer hide this trade request"
Just press dat big red X. It works the same as Hide button.
First patch installed no problem, second patch wont install. timer just keeps going up......... Maybe we should be testing theses patches on i dont know, the test server before moving them to the game??
It says it costs 10ce to join a party at a lobby.
But joining friends normally at lobby = 0 ce.
Is this true?
the update for me is still Downloading data and it says its gonna take 250 mins and it is still counting up O_o
Sounds great for the game, but I was expecting a promo you let me down I wanted to waste my money =(