Take a look around, literally the only threads are rage and CE threads, Can't we have some actual dicussion?
Is this even general dicussion anymore?
Okiee then.
Discuss why the sky is blue.
Ay, I remember that one. Probably one of the better threads in the Suggestions Forum. Unfortunately that won't solve the problem either; it's not just new people who are complaining about things in General Discussion.
Rayleigh scattering. Look it up or take physics.
Actually, Rayleigh scattering only accounts for the blue hue on the surface of Cradle. Within the Clockworks, if you see a blue sky it's probably just paint on the inside of whatever sphere in which you are currently traveling.
general discussion. they are talking generally about thier angers of the game. those threads dont fit into any more precise category in the forums.
Sometimes the sky is other colors than blue! But Rayleigh scattering causes that too, though if memory serves me correctly (it's been seven years since I took Physics), Mie scattering is also involved somehow. Yay! Science!
Two words - Vocal Minority.
For some reason I seem to remember Mie scattering doing something el-- wait, I think you may be right. If I remember correctly, the one of the two has to do with the sky being blue while the other has to do with distant mountains appearing bluish-purple. It's been five years since I took physics and I'm too lazy to look it up. :P
LOL, when the only punishment (or a prize) for making thread in wrong forum is moving it to appropriate forum (and even leaving shadow copy thanks to which thread will gain more attention) general discussion will be always one big trash.
Its full of silly topics "omgz look at me im zo l33t i killed jk all alone, here is screenshot at elevator1111!!oneone", topics made by random people leaving and thinking someone cares, dozens of topics where people dont even care about where they post their topics asking for equipment advice, posting trade offers (since there will be ALWAYS someone who will answer them and even if GM will move topic, there will be shadow copy left so topic will gain more attention), also there are people who think that if they played long enough they dont have to post topics in appropriate sections.
Also the "New Recruits" forum name is scaring players away. The New Recruits forum is place to post questions about gameplay, but since there is "NEW" in its name people are scared that if they post something there they will look like a newbs, and also knight who spent already some time in SK dont want to post there questions about gameplay since they dont consider themselves as "new", so they post their silly topics (where most of them can be solved with one SK wikipedia check) in general discussion.
Oh and of course, the SEARCH feature that should pop out fits every time you make new thread, is completly forgotten by 90% of players. If people would use it (for questions about gameplay, single things, not suggestions) the general discussion would be way more less trashy. But since they dont even care about trying to find something on their own (since no matter how stupid their topic will be, someone will always answer them) they just mindlessly post it on general discussion (since they wont even consider posting it in New Rectuits, they are too l33t, pr0 and baws to go there, its place for noooobs [since most people dont even know the diffrence between noob and newb]).
While I do agree with you, Asukalan, I must say that the search function is absolute garbage. No options whatsoever. Just "find any thread with any combination of these words." At least some basic form of sorting the search results would be nice.
There should be a subforum titled "CE rage"
"Take a look around, literally the only threads are rage and CE threads"
That's generally what's going on Spiral Knights soooo...
People are talking about the game even if they are posting hate for CE prices. So in a way it is a "General Discussion".
"Within the Clockworks, if you see a blue sky it's probably just paint on the inside of whatever sphere in which you are currently traveling."
I was waiting for someone to fall in the trap and go all "scattering light" on me, then I would return to this thread and tell them this... but...
You are too smart for me.
The forums were never this active. You should be more grateful, replies tardy'd between 3 - 7 hours in the past.
Since this is general discussion,
lets discuss which general in history do you consider the best.
I have been here for 11 months.
I don't remember 3 to 7 hour replies?
General Douglas MacArthur probably had the best ego, for what that's worth.
No, we cannot have some actual discussion, and it disgusts me. I feel like this subforum needs to be relabeled as "Complaints", and a new subforum for "General Discussion" should be created. Of course, this is just how I feel - relabeling won't actually solve the issue because people will continue to voice their complaints in "General Discussion" since they think their complaints are worth everyone's time.