I think Will got it right
Meme thread
I kid. I'm going to CONTRIBUTE!
Here's a pic of spiral Deadpool knight! Here's a slideshow I made of spiral me gusta knight!
... why does ancient plate mail set reduces the Movement speed of a knight, yet when holding a giant rock statue or a large key made of solid gold, the knight's movement speed is unchanged... SK logic right there...
I will beat the living tortodrone out of you.
sry about the double post
SK-memes is it? I present you with "Unlucky Guy Xy." Ever had those moments of "FFFFFFFFFF" and "Why SK, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?!" Well Unlucky Guy Xy understands you:
Unlucky Guy Xy Love puppy
Unlucky Guy Xy Invite
Unlucky Guy Xy Trade Successful
Unlucky Guy Xy Shadow Lairs
Unlucky Guy Xy Item Drop
Unlucky Guy Xy Closing Your Arsenal
Unlucky Guy Xy 1mil
Unlucky Guy Xy Limted Time
Unlucky Guy Xy Rare Item
Assorted pictures and origins/creator found here.