So is it just me or does anybody else constantly notice the knights distinct lack of feet! perhaps its a part of the cutey/simplistic graphics style, which i really enjoy and yet this one aspect annoys the heck out of me
'tis just a flesh wound sir!'
all the armour textures have clearly defined boots/feet, but there isnt any actual geometry there, except possibly on the wolver series, or the texture is really good at looking like there is a small foot there.
it would really only need a few extra vertices per leg, to basically make a small but noticeable rounded ... well pyramid is the best way i can describe the shape of a foot, a pointy bit that sticks out, and if its small it doesnt need to bend or anything just stick out.
The plate armour model is the worst, those tiny little greaves are just cylinders with bits painted on aargghh!
the other things are less important and have no doubt been covered before but i shall add them (again) anyway
so i can recall threads about new beast family monsters, the most prominent being a bird, based on either an eagle or an owl (but not an owlite), that would essentially be a re-skinned greaver (the fiend bat monster), attacking in one of 3 ways;
1 - exactly the same as the greaver because everybody loves them so much
2 - stop movement (but not flapping animation) when telegraphing attack and charge in a straight line, same as the trojans charge attack but less powerful, shorter range and less knockback
3 - shoot a feather or spray of feathers, i personally think this would be a good secondary attack only useable by T2-3 versions, feather spray being like the spookats shooting ability or lichen colony's 360 spray
we could always use new monsters and the beast family looks dreadfully lonely having only wolvers and chromas
a piercing gun that does not require the user to stand still to fire
so yeah there is the antigua, but that is only piercing in its basic 3* form after that its not, adn the other 2 piercing guns require the knights to stand still to fire AND are both 2 shot guns, we'd like to see something different
admittedly no gun will ever beat the flourish style swords at killing devilites or wolvers but that doesnt mean that we will give up trying to kill them from the moderate safety of handgun range
hence my proposition, a modified blaster!
starting at either 3* or 4* this modified blaster line uses enhanced focusing technology to increase penetartion of each round, forsaking some of the explosive capabilities of the original
Basically its a re-coloured blaster/valiance that deals piercing damage instead of normal, 3 shot clip, good range, can move while firing
the only variation, other than colour (though adding a scope rather than a bayonet to the 5* would be really cool) and dealing piercing damage would be the charge, as fantastic as the new blaster line charge shot is it doesnt really fit,
why not focus on the idea of it being a piercing gun and have the charge shot pass through enemies, damaging each enemy in the line, only stopping at the end of its range or when it encounters an indestructible obstacle, block, wall, trojan shield (or not, but then having a piercing weapon that can damage a trojan front on does seem a little OP)
geez this is starting to get along anyway last point
Mounts or vehicles are an important part of other mmos but not in spiral knights, reason being they would be pointless and strip mercurial armour of its singular advantage.
but that said the spiral knights crash landed a spaceship, surely the would have access to some kind of scouting vehicles be they scouting rovers or hover bikes. Either would fit well (or both) with my ideas, practical or not
vehicle based missions/minigame
that is to say that they cannot be used during normal gameplay but are restricted to specific events
i see it as being a good chance to expand the knights arsenal (and make more money when people buy energy to upgrade said machines)
and being in one of two styles
A) an on-rails shooter, similar to the flying missions in kid Icarus or space missions from SW:TOR, though probably limited to movement left and right only if its land based vehicles, hoverbikes, buggys, lunar rover esque machines, tanks(? well they can look like whatever fits best, mechanical wolver mount anyone?)
shooting enemies and obstacles present the major threat, gunning through gremlin defenses or running down a pack of wolvers would be fun though
B) a top down shooter (think vehicle based missions in lego games), basically like standard missions but with friction, drift, and larger areas and enemies (or groups of)
so thats all well and good but how does this make the developers more money so they can eat caviar and smoke cigars?
have the vehicles as a kind of loadout consisting of at least a body and weapon(s), using the correct damage type should be encouraged and so multiple weapons is always good, and probably one or two more components (shield generator and engine?) which can be bought, alchemized, traded, rewarded same as regular gear with differing * values
when do you get to hop in your sweet new ride, again 2 real options, have vehicle levels as part of standard play, randomly appear in the clockworks and missions, though a level may never be split between knight and vehicle, they are one or the other. they give standard rewards, crowns/heat/materials, same as regular levels, nothing special except you need to have a vehicle
-this presents problems when people of differing ranks team up and do arcade clockworks runs, avoidable by either locking out vehicle levels for that group or giving players without a vehicle access to a very basic, very bad proto buggy
Have it as a side mini game, still can appear in missions after a specific rank or as daily prestige missions but not in standard arcade clockworks runs
(with this if costs 10energy per level then rewards should compare to a normal level however it could cost less energy (2-5 per level) and have reduced rewards / specific mission rewards, completing this set will earn you 500cr or this 3* material but during the levels monsters will not drop crowns or materials just hearts, and if vehicles level up, heat)
I also feel that vehicles should not be accesible before knights have access to T2, or more practically until they have completed the rank missions up to and including snarby, whatever rank that was
so that turned out less of a FEET! thread and more of a hey i've had all these really funky ideas which you lot will now either add to, debunk or criticize, but meh
TL;DR Knights dont have feet! why dont knights have feet? knights should have feet! birds are tasty adn pretty so we should be allowed to fight some...with a new piercing gun PEW PEW PEW. Vehicles are pretty rad, for the crew of a spaceship the knights seem to have little technology, this should be rectified with hover-bikes, buggies and (maybe) tanks
add some names to the pirce guns and would vehicles need recipes to make?