but I must admit, these past two announcements made me break out in smiles. I am one pleased Kitty right now.
~ Your friendly neighborhood cat, Kitty-Softpaws.
but I must admit, these past two announcements made me break out in smiles. I am one pleased Kitty right now.
~ Your friendly neighborhood cat, Kitty-Softpaws.
You officially never get to complain about not being able to afford energy or anything / the energy prices EVAR.
1. You don't sell CE at a time like this. You buy it. You sell it when it is high.
2. You should be patient and sell it as high as possible on the right side of the market. Not using the left / "I want energy naow" button.
The reason I bought energy was because I wanted crowns; I want the Crest of Summer & crown. I get one lottery chance buying the promotion. Instead of buying CE for getting a chance to get one of the accessories, I bought CE to sell it for crowns. I did a currency exchange so I can trying bidding for that crest.
If you were impatient, why not just do 7664 at the time? Not undercut by 561 crowns, since it's crowns you left on the table?
Alternatively, you could have used the trade tab and just clicked "buy ___ crowns" 10 times. You would have gotten more crowns.
This makes sense though. One time I had all my posted sells get fulfilled in an instant, I figured it was because people posted buys at a price that equaled mine at the time. It could have been the other way, but the point is still that it was fulfilled instantly.
I was trying to help lower CE prices further down which had no affect. You guys are looking at me in a different view, I WAS HELPING LOWER CE PRICES BY UNDERCUTTING THE CE I WAS SELLING. I knew the exact number of crowns I needed in order to be in par for bidding. Otherwise I wouldn't be this generous to help MY PEOPLE. I'm not just a player in SK, I'm also a powerful political leader who wants democracy & reasonable diplomacy between P2P players & F2P players to avoid having ugly forum posts about one side disliking the other. At least now we know that the market can't be control by the actions of an individual player as you've clearly seen of how I sold 3,500 CE for 7,001 crowns.
@Kitty-Softpaws yes, your helping us, but your not really a political leader, the only people i see are the people who are disagreeing with you right now.
I love the SK community. The thing is that APPARENTLY they don't feel the same way about me & my ideas/ideals. Just look at how you guys are assuming I was selling CE because I wanted energy now which is PARTIALLY right but not enough for me to say yes. Why would I undercut BELOW the SELL CE NOW button?!? The sell CE now button was at 7,655 crs while CE itself was at 7,895 crs. GREED & LACK OF SOCIALIZING in SPIRAL KNIGHTS has blinded you all. I as a politician DESPISE other politicians. You guys are just as bad as them, bunch of greedy little rodents. You can have my cheese & rot with it under the fridge for all I care now.
I'm no saint but i'm also not one to think about my needs only. We're all individuals looking out for ourselves. This is the main cause of why I have rage issues with random parties. From the stupid brats to the greedy mother@#$ in which I wouldn't give a crap about picking up rare mats or gear I find. That gray color is completely transparent, unless you tell me I'd never know what I'd find.
1) That picture shows you selling 1k ce, not 3.5k ce.
EDIT: You posted while I was replying, but I'm looking at your photo and I clearly see you posting sells at 7,101. I'm confused.
Also you said you were selling CE to buy crowns in one of your earlier posts....
2) It has been known that an individual cannot affect the market, at least, not within his monthly limit. To lower prices, you need to do it on the scale of millions. Like 2,000k ce. I'm sorry if this is a lesson you haven't learned by reading past forum threads about trying to fix the market.
3) You can help "lower" prices by fulfilling through the trade. By using the "Buy ____ crowns", you are taking out top postings of the "Top Offers to Buy 100ce" in the Market tab. This will help fulfill demand of CE. Less demand = lower prices (though marginal and short lived, at best.)
So, while you did fulfill 10 buy orders, or 35 according to you, you could have fulfilled them by leaving less crowns on the table for yourself.
That's great. now get on Youtube, and type in....Rainbow Trolololo
P.s. Apparently doing this: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/558693454473295628/4857E565CE634C6FF2D... doesn't affect the market. You know what this means about the CE market? As soon as I sold all of my CE, I got my crowns right after in less than a blink of an eye.