Yes. She thinks that they are "teensy, stubby, and adorable"
Yes. She thinks that they are "teensy, stubby, and adorable"
I wanna hug em, but all they wanna do is throw furniture at me. So adorable :3
they are, but once they start throwing stuff at you, they aren't.
Those Blarfuls. So adorable, I just want to hug one until it explodes into pus.
LOL. Yap, I'll hug something that chucks 3 pitch forks per second at me. Like, ya, I got a pitch fork for my face and my arms. And then I wait another second for a pitchfork for the chest and one to each knee. THEN I HUG THE LITTLE @#!^%$#@ WITH A DVS & A BTB. DX
They're my fav monster.
However, they act like pretentious little £$%~s.
Fits the good ol' sayin' "looks can be deceiving". They look like the innocent flower but the're actually the serpent underneath.
They're cute, but they're delinquents and they require disipline.
I show my appreciation of their cuteness through a Dark Briar Barrage.
I disapprove of this thread. Devilites are not cute.
What I do like about them however is that a massive fiend genocide is the best thing I could ever do on Earth. >:)
Monsters that are in need of love are chromalisks, tiny little cute gremlins(most notably to Knockers), happy mewkats, love puppies.
DEVILITES WERE ADULTS. Appearantly. It's because fiends do work, and get no pay.
idk why people hat devilites? too hard? all i can say is: pine cone.
P.S. nothing is cute for men, cause they die within seconds
"P.S. nothing is cute for men, cause they die within seconds"
Sadistic, psychotic murdering men.
I'd like to hug one, but I know I'd be stabbed with a moldy, half-eaten donut :C
They are. I like the Pit Bosses most. However.. I like chromas more. <3
She is completely correct. The cutest part is probably when they dive away from their bosses. It's a shame you never see them wearing their hawaiian shirts.
My daughters feel just the opposite. They think they are terrible, terrifying, and evil.
I find almost everything I find in the Clockworks cute. Wolvers, Devilites, Mecha Knights, Mewkats, Jellies, Vanaduke, RTwins included. All they want are hugs and try to give hugs. I show my affections by mercilessly ending their existence. I'm pretty sure they'd do the same for me or at least try to the best of their abilities <3
Devilites dive-bombing away from Pit bosses wanting to give them overtime is DA BEST.
"sadistic, phycohotic murdering men"
doesn't that mean...........
........ me with my bombs? how sweet of u to notice
What Canozo said. People often think that Yorkshire terriers are cute, too, but that opinion soon changes once you're forced to fight them in numbers.
"She thinks that they are "teensy, stubby, and adorable""
She's dead to me.
Jks. I'll admit, the design looks nice, but hell will freeze over before I ever LIKE them. Total pain in whichever body part you want to kill for me.
Just came up from hell.
It's like winterfest. Well mostly in the ninth circle.......
Everything else is like the FREAKING ARTIC.
Despite their pinpoint furniture, they're the coolest monsters in the game. They're freakin' adorable, and I personally laugh my butt off every time they get scared and dive out of the way.
I do remember a time I hated Devilites. Was when my best friend and I first got our T2 access and defeated Snarby, we decided to keep going down. The next floor was something we had never seen before. A city in ruins, floating in darkness. Then the Devilites came... We had never faced Devilites before and were totally unprepared to witness their pure evilness as they threw furniture at us. We were slaughtered.... and it was our first time ever doing T2 xD
Thanks a lot Soarel! *just so you people know, I'm Soarel's little sister in real life.* if you have any comments about my opinion, post them below. Thanks for commenting on my big brother's thread! ;)
And to think they were gonna be wasted on a racing game instead of this.
I remembered the time I laughed my butt off at the lines the Pit Bosses sprouted.
Now I can't even laugh at them because I always have 4 or 5 devilites throwing stuff at me. :<
And we think that you Knights are pretty adorable, too. I mean, I just love you guys swinging your little swords around and shooting your pea-shooters. You have nothing against our flying furniture and office supplies. What's more dangerous than an airborne T.V.? Or a mid-air stapler? Or a flaming trident?
Spinning disc of death.
You know what I'm talking about Undercorp
Yo people! I'M NOT AN ALT OF SOAREL!!!!! I'm his li'l sista, u punks! Cheese your faces off you derpy chromy you!
HERP DERP :{) Im out!
Inb4 welcome to the Interwebz, where we consider bros and sis as alts of their better-known older bro.
Devilites are not cute there annoying. and im not sure where they get the money to buy tvs to throw at me.... i hate them and i want them to die.
I think everything in this game is adorable :/
They are.