I'm a Defender, and in the Character button, if u press "Progress" it says " Gain access to Shadow Lair 2" " Requirements: Complete a Shadow Lair 1 gate" " Rewards: Shadow Lair 2 Clearance"
So i'm wondering how to do that?
I'm a Defender, and in the Character button, if u press "Progress" it says " Gain access to Shadow Lair 2" " Requirements: Complete a Shadow Lair 1 gate" " Rewards: Shadow Lair 2 Clearance"
So i'm wondering how to do that?
may i suggest completing your missions first? A shadow lair is simply out of your league.
Wait until you're (fully, in both weapons and armor) 5*. Right now the Shadow lairs are way out of your league.
Edit: and that you're quite skilled as well. (as dying very little, as the shadow lairs are far harder than anything previously faced.)
One does not simply walk into a shadow lair....
Shadow Lairs are the level above FSC in difficulty. They are painful and hard.
Basically, go through any of the normal boss levels, and make a list of all the things that are easy. Then, fix each one. Finally, multiply the number of enemies by a factor of 10, and add in monster spawners. The exception would be the Shadow Lair Firestorm Citadel, where they multiple the number of enemies by a factor of 2, add in respawning howtizers every few rooms, and throw in Slag Guards/Trojans every few rooms.
Shadow lairs Are Hell mode ON for spiral knights.
Rabid Snarbolax is Shadow lair Clearance Level one, and its the easiest of the 4 shadow lairs. Its snarbolax And poison And hordes of the Rabid Beasts, but with So far more Undead (Moar zombies and Kats) And the boss has TWO Rabid snarbolaxes. And a respawning silk wing. Unlike the other shadow lairs where the maps are edited slightly, the Rabid snarbolax Levels have been changed a LOT. mainly because the size is too small.
So its the easiest, but still pretty hard and harder than FSC. Enemies multiplied by a factor of like, 9
Ice queen and Red roarmulus twins are Level Two, and they are much harder.
Ice Queen is Jelly King with Freeze element in it. Ice Jellies, Ice Lumbers- All the Gun Puppies are replaced with polyps.
So if you died alot in RJP even with full Skolver on, beware of hell. Although your freeze resis is more useful here.
2nd Easiest, enemies X3.
Red RT is probably comparable to Darkfire Vana in difficulty, and is the 3rd hardest (although lots of people say its the hardest with lag and such)
shock was annoying enough, and here its a double dose with Fire AND shock. Shock isnt replaced, fire is added.
Imagine Quicksilver+ shock traps. annoying. Now, imagine Oilers and Fire traps. Combine the two. Hellarity ensues.
It has fire variants of all the shock monsters already in IMF: rocket pups, Red rovers, Hotrodes, Fire Mecha knights, Fire Scuttlebots, Now, put them with their shocking allies and you get Lag master 2011, and 2012. Moar Rockets. And Lazers. And wild Shock appears.
Enemies X4, 2nd hardest.
Here. The ultimate Firestorm Citadel. You have faced Flaming shocks from UIMF, Freezing Jellies from URJP, and The hordes of rabid beasts and undead from UGW.
Now, Darkfire Vanaduke. enemies multiplied by 3, The extra element in here is Curse. Curse is hell, thank goodness Carnavons are slow. The slag guards from Phase 5 of vanaduke? their here, right on all 4 levels before Darkfire Vanaduke Himself. Trojans, and Smoking Howlitzers.
Get a 5* set first. Dont even attempt any of the shadow lairs until you do so. Then you end up with the wrong gear anyway.
i am ready i have done all my missions and i am full 5* but i still don't understand how it works about the 4x450 ce to the key pleas help
! i tried wiki i tried to ask people but i still don't got it can some one put a video on you tube explain how ? u know talk and show
There are lots of Youtube videos of Shadow Lair runs. I'm not sure how many have running commentaries, but even watching the video should help out a lot by showing the monster spawn locations, traps and so forth.
"! i tried wiki i tried to ask people but i still don't got it"
What don't you get? Someone in your party needs to buy a Shadow Key, currently for 1800 energy. Then your party assembles in any depth 23 Clockworks Terminal. Then the knight with the Shadow Key opens the gate, and the Shadow Key vanishes. Then the party enters the Shadow Lair. That's it.
"i still don't understand how it works about the 4x450 ce"
The key costs 1800 energy. That's a lot. Usually, the knight with the key asks his teammates to pay him back, for their share of the key cost. Assuming that there are four people in the party, then the cost per person is 450 energy (1800 / 4 = 450). So each member of the party gives him 450 CE. In my experience, people often do this as the Shadow Key is being used, or in the Sanctuary at the end of the run. Or, if they trust each other, they can do it later. Or, if the knight is rich, he may not ask to be repaid at all.
What Bopp said.
The Shadow Keys are 1800 CE. You need only one key to allow an entire party to go. Thus, you split the cost amongst a party of 4, so each person only pays 1800/4 = 450 CE for the run.
Also, A lot of people say that the Ice Queen is the easiest SL, and I kinda agree. Ashes of Agni will de-fang a huge amount of the enemies there. Two bombers with Dark Retribution will absolutely DESTROY pretty much any room (even with the nerf). Even if you don't, people run in with Skolver and Barbarous Thorn Shield, getting an easy +dam max with swords. Then, they pull out their favorite Gran Faust and smack 5+ enemies per swing with ease.
Snarby is harder because people tend to not have a lot of shadow armor, and even fewer people have poison resist. Most people underestimate poison, but it seriously reduce your damage output and makes it so you wont be able to heal. Both of which are not things you want happening when you are cornered with low health. Freeze, while dangerous, is not bad if you have a good party. Why? Because when you attack someone who is frozen with a sword, you break their freeze. Thus, if you have a good party (and you should NEVER go into a SL WITHOUT a good party), then everyone will know this, and you shouldn't be spending that much time frozen.
Oh, and Darkfire Vanaduke got significantly harder with the recent patches. Why? Well you know that ring around Slag Guards? Yeah, that acts like those totems. They will revive zombies that die within that area of effect. SL FSC throws in Slag Guards in almost every major room, as well as hordes of zombies.
See the wiki page "Shadow Lair".