Almire is the 5* shield I want for my end-game setup.
Are the Blackened Crest/Crest of Almire shields in the game yet?
A friend told me it drops from the final adds in the Vanaduke encounter. I cannot confirm it though.
I see.
This is what I plan to have for my final end-game setup.
Sword: Leviathan Blade.
Armor: Vog Cub Coat.
Helmet: Skolver Cap.
Shield: Crest of Almire (to cover for shadow damage).
Gun: Valiance.
So far all I have is the Leviathan Blade.
I don't get why everyone wants it when it's not even an end game shield! It's just rare.
How is it not an endgame shield? Shadow defense is extremely important in the Citadel. It also has great fire resist and health. I'd rather use it than Owlite.
Anything 5* = endgame.
It doesn't man through lava, lavaballs, maces twenty times your size, etc. It'd break faster than Ancient Plate, Grey Owlite, Omega Shell...
Health is also always the same for stars. Except for shells.
Also, Fox, that is very very off! If you can say, with a straight face, Jelly or Skelly stuff can be end game, then... Well, I guess we'd be done talking!
LULZ people trying to tell Magnus what end game is.
Off-topic, can you make me a Heater if I provide the mats, cost, fee, etc.? Also what do you think is the best shield BESIDES Owlite for Citadel?
Heater or Omega, I'd say! And yeah I can. But not tonight, going to bed right this minute. Though you can mail the stuff.
Well how would you rate the setup I'm aiming for?
Leviathan Blade.
Skolver Cap.
Vog Cub Coat.
Crest of Almire.
Well I'd rather you get either Full Vog Cub instead of a mix if you intend on going to Firestorm Citadel at all.
Because one, you're only going to get a portion of the fire resist and elemental defense.
Two, piercing is almost nonexistent in Firestorm (Unless you count spikes, in which case is very easy to dodge).
Freeze is literally useless in Firestorm.
Yes having an attack boost is nice and all, but Survivability will take you much farther in Firestorm Citadel.
Leviathan Blade is cool, but it should just be a sidearm while you use a Divine Avenger.
Aim for a Storm Driver or Argent Peacemaker for Vanaduke. Maybe Blitz Needle if you really NEEDED DPS.
Crest of Almire lacks fire resistence. With Owlite, you can literally walk though Vanaduke's Fire Snakes.
Plus Crest's usage outside of vanaduke is severly reduced unless you're farming graveyards or something.

"I don't get why everyone wants it when it's not even an end game shield! It's just rare."
yeah me either...
Well I need to know beforehand if by wearing two pieces of Vog Cub, whether or not the damage bonuses stack. Because if they don't, that's why I want a Skolver piece mixed in, because its speed bonus definitely stacks with Vog Cubs power bonus, and the two dovetail very nicely.
Never got an answer. Do the two speed bonuses from both pieces of Vog Cub equipment stack, or does only one take effect?
Bonuses stack in an additive manner. So Medium + Medium would give you Very High.
It's a fine setup. Except for the Crest. You're still shooting way too high for something not so good.
I just want it because... Well, hey, I already proved I don't exactly need a shield.
It exists. It is a rare drop, and we don't know what drops it yet.