(. .)
Awkward dog bird.....BOB!
And name it!
(. .)
Awkward dog bird.....BOB!
And name it!
I call it the Stare of Disagreement :3
^ ^
.W. I CALL THIS : [SPECIAL] Witch ^¬^
(/ಠnಠ)/ ٩(͡๏o๏)۶
Go away no one likes you!
what has been seen, cannot be unseen.
(Good for you.... I guess)
ÓÓ Excuse me sir/maam im on the toilet (d¬_¬b)
Chinese, Japenese or Korean look so cool >.<
This is why no one cares what we say. Because for every serious business thread that makes sense, there are 10 of these "spam pictures of faces" threads.... ;*(
It's called I died because someone flung a lumbar towards me.
Pretty sure this belongs in Gremlin chatter, not general discussion.
Pretty sure this belongs off the forums, not in a place where we discuss stuff regarding the games.
. <- I call this one Dot
. <- I call this one Point
. <- I call this one Steve on mondays but Pudding on any other day.
Fehzor is correct. Gremlin Chatter is for this kind of shtuff.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee
Why not Zoidberg???
(V) (;,,,;) (V)
'Gremlin Chatter' is a forum section. Here's the blurb.
~Gremlin Chatter
Take the knight off and discuss things of a non-Spiral bent.~
It quite clearly states that this is the section to talk about thing non-SK related. Is this topic SK related? No, it's a bunch of random faces. Although some are interesting, it still has nothing to do with SK.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee
2 thumbs up to this thread
@ Weegee and Fehzor:
<---(-.-)z Go thataway. Out of here.
it might be a little hard to see, but it's a smiling person.
Did u name ur kirbies Gwen? lol :3
Remember guys, you are supposed to NAME your faces!!!!
The return of REBELZ!!!!!
I added the outsides of Rebelz's head instead of my original post of Rebelz :>
No, you forgot to name your "8D" face.
Suggestion Name: Stubby.
No, same amount of happy.
Different amount of nose.
Just make sure you tilt your head the correct way.
o('D'o) (o'D')o
It's an excited emoticon, like "OMG NEW STUFF" or the :la: emoticon from dA, minus the animation. :(
I'm requesting this thread to move into the gremlin chatters. (^Д^);; teehehe
I call him: Rebelz