Hi, I'm looking for a Shadow Lair 1 party where all four players are willing to split the key. I'm full 5* bomber and sword wearing full vog or full ash tail(for rabid snarbolax if that's better, and I also plan on crafting the ash tail into Snarbolax set which is my ultimate goal in this run). I can also go volcanic/mad bomber with some support/offensive bombs in case we do need one. I am new to Shadow Lairs, however I am confident in my skills to stay alive and avoid revives and someone who has already been through this would be of great help. I do not have any guildmates or friends willing to run this with me, so this is the last place where I can ask for a party and hope not to get ripped off/scammed by trusting some random person in-game and giving them my part of the key.
Also I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong section, I looked at the other sections and I thought that my topic didn't fit them.
Run done.
Thanks to Clwnbaby, Eliseo and Tonzo for the successful run!