In the last few day of playing LD as a bomber I have been having a struggle breaking the 5-6k dmg range. Despite getting alot of hits and kills and having max dmg and max ctr I am struggling to get any descent dmg. Just last week with the same loadouts and getting similar amounts of hits and kills I was getting 8-13k dmg. Any other LD bombers would you please give your input, are you seeing a similar trend with your RSS?
Did they stealth nerf RSS in LD?

Well RSS has always suffered from occasionally having the ground eat shards. Perhaps you are doing that more and didn't notice.
I just played LD today, same loadout as always, and got 6k, 9k, 10k, 14k, etc. So, it's not a total nerf. Did a trinket expire perhaps, taking away your damage?
I've also noticed that some games, my damage sucks because the other players are just that much better. Really really really good players 1) dodge shards very well 2) kill me very quickly. And my damage goes down. Maybe you've just been having bad luck with your matchups?
Otherwise, I would be forced to agree with Roarr.

Could just be the latter. I have seen the ground eat shards but haven't been noticing it lately, what I am going off of is registered hits and kills which as near as I can tell is approximate to what it was last week. I have the same trinkets equipped and look over my loadout before most games.

It's usually when you or a teammate hits a shard- the shards disappear when that happens. Thus I cannot stand in one spot and Shard spam, but like I said, "A player at rest? May he rest in peace."

@Dotctor I don't count that as a hit because I have seen, all to many times, where a striker is standing on my RSS when it detonates and no dmg is done. What I am referring to as a hit is when I see the shard hit and life bars drop off or see the shard hit and the target dies.
@Roarr Nicely done and thank you for checking it out, I guess I'll just have to chalk it up to me sucking lately =(.
its just you, not the bomb
did an experiment shortly after, 5 consecutive games
8193 4vs4 (win)
7960 4vs4 (win)
16532 6vs6 (lose)
9488 4vs4 (win)
7128 6vs5 (win, other team had a leaver)