Hello Ladies and gremlins, it is I, Tarn Razar, the ultimate Crimson Order Blastrover (HINT, HINT!), here to give you a suggestion that mgiht break the game... but if this workso ut then i might just jaw drop and fall back on my chair
P.S. both of these can happen ANYPALCE but missions or lobbies, and you'd have to be isnane to put these inthe training hall or haven!
1. Minibosses:
There are ALOT of suggestions for these, and i do believe i should help out...here we go!
1. C.O. Blastrover: say a heavily armored mender gets his hand on a modified TF2 medigun with a gun puppy head, capable of shooting bolts and used as a melee weapon? At first this was a simple design i made in school before summer. Ok im getting off topic here umm... Blastrovers are always in groups of 5 with gremlins of any kind in any place gremlin related, as they are elite, and sorta like supervisors of the gremlin army, and no doubt the msot powerful non-boss gremlin uniti n the game if OOO wanted to! They should be T3 menders and scorchers due to their training before beign deployed in the clockworks,a nd the fact they are like supervisors, or deadly guardians!
2. Snarbolax Cub: they took away vog cubs, why not replace them with something... sorta equally powerful?! the cubs could have some abilities, but as theya re cubs their invincibility isnt permanent, beast bells cans til lwork, but give this boy some time and the invincibility will go away! and they cna be in groups obviously as, lets face it msot people dont want their kids alone! the cub can have soem abilities from their Older counterparts, but a bit faster, but not so many thorns. since their older counterparts will be worried, they dont die at the end, they will just burrow away! (how else could there be more snarbolaxs?)
3. (WARNING! THIS ONE INVOLVES A MISSION BOSS FROM... i think a RANK 8 MISSION! DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU WANT SOME SPOILERS!) Corrupt Knight: you guys remember Arkus right? sorta a Trojan, half knight, mostly corrupt? well what if somethingl ike that happened to more people? what if the corruption grew and grew? well what you would get is a COrrupt Knight, sorta int he same armor as arkus himself if possible, but weaker abilities and all that. the maxl imit of these guys per fight i say is 2, as any more might overwhelm and possible rip you guys apart! tey will only have 1 phase ima fraid, but sof ar thats allt he info i can give, as i didnt do the mission my self!
Now that i got all my minobosses down... time for soemthing that i BET OOO wouldnt do! and the name for such thing is... SURPRISE BOSS BATTLES! Lets face it, everyone likes to have some spare tokens and all that, why not from powerful foes such as the snarbolax?
1. Snarbolax: this involves the snarbolax cub part on the mini bosses, the snarbolax is getting food for the cubs, as you guys walk past a gate, it closes, the snarbolax turns, a bit surprised and angry, a beast bell is in the middle of the area, same fighting plan, nothing much to say except he... orm ostl ikely she, burrows away asfter she lsoes msot of her health, as cubs are more important than killing ya'll!
2. Roarmulus Twin: first of all, i KNOW this wont workout well, second, 1 twin vs a group of 4... meh. anyway lets get to buisness! a Roarmulus twin gets lsot int h clock orks, forced to fidn his way back tot he IMF, and he...somehow has rockets to fly aorund with inside the robot anyway, he sees you, and he attacks, the way tob at him... is to use "nukes" from razwog's boss arena, they will make the twin spam bullets, then lower tog round floor, after alot of damage, the twin's rockests top working, he is heavily damaged, and he falls, poor guy :(
3. (Firs tof all, Seerus, if i make you mad with this post, plz Warmaster forgive me! ...ok with that out of the way... lets go dot his aprt shall we?) Seerus: Say he was sent to destroy an un suspecting party in the clockworks, ambushing them after they cross a gate, its pretty much a hack and slash boss as, NO ONE could lift a battlepod up right? RIGHT?! after he loses alot of HP, he teleprots as always, with no remains, not even a mask fragment!
Well thats all i got for minibosses and surprise fights, but theres a surprise that fits into both categories...
Razwog: YES! YOU HEARD ME SAY IT! RAZWOG! that cursed fluffy fiery brat is back and wants REVENGE! int hi situation hes with 2 gremlisn of any kind, preparing a trap, after the party crosses the entry gate, it locks up, and your forced to deal with the cursed scorcher! same plan, witohut the retrodes, the damage is based ont he tier, but the attacks stay the same, good luck!
Well thats my post! put ideas or soemthing else, got a question? i'll answer! bye!
I like the idea of minibosses, but most of this doesn't make sense.
Gremlin minibosses would be cool. Gremlin overseers riding on Tortodrones would be epic. Healing minibosses with gunpuppies would be somewhat OP though, especially if they're in groups as I think you were mentioning.
Your Snarbolax cubs... Beast bells aren't found anywhere but in GWW of some variety. I couldn't understand what you were trying to describe in the rest of the post except that they should be weaker than the adult versions, which should be obvious.
Corrupt Knights didn't get much description other than able to 'rip you guys apart', so I couldn't pass any verdict on these.
Having an expansion-only boss pop up and drop nothing whatsoever seems a little pointless.
A recurrence of Razwog would be nice though...
Could you please go into more detail on some of these and work on your spelling, as it makes it hard in places to understand what you mean - the Suggestions forum users are not psychic.