They haven't posted here for a while.
OOO? GMs? Eury? :(

OOO is launching a huge update with danger rooms being added into the mix ( probably some item buffs along with visual changes). Im almost 99.9% sure its coming out tommorow so the devs are on crunch time to deliver this content on time.

I'd say Legion of Almire is coming next week, but then again I didn't get on the test server in time to see how complete it was.

i have been on the forums for some time now and i've notice that the GM's dont have an active connection with their players. i have also been to many other games like dragonest, fantasy earth zero, flyff and many more and they also didn't not have an active connection with their players. so i wanted to as you guys if you know why the gm's do not actively responds to relative post in a constant basis. i know they have a lot to take care of like bug reports, new game content and making sure all the rules of the mmo rpg are followed and reading post that are in different languages from other countries, but they do have different staff that is assigned to specific areas. its not like all the staff focus on creating new game content for the games that i have been too. so why do the staff that is in charge of taking care of the forums not allowed to responds to the post like the sugestion forums and other post besides the event ones. i know every player has the direct contact us to have an issue direct at the game itself be discussed through email with the gm's, but why only have this kind of contact that limits new ideas to come into the conversation.
To protect what they reply on the post to the players, they could post something at the end saying that whatever they reply to do not represent the company in its entirety so as to not confuse players if they were to be mistaken about something. I think that if most mmorpg games had an active communication relaitionship between the players and the gm's, we all could have an idea of where the game is building up to. This way, games that are having internal problems like fantasy earth zero that closed only after one year would be able to relay their problem to the players so that the players could choose to burden themselves with the games problems and might find a way to fix it.
so my main questions again is:
Why is it that players and gm's do not have an active communication relationship?
Are there specific rules that limit Gm's from speaking to us about the game content or any relevant matter that refers to the game?

> They haven't posted here for a while.
I'm here, Tersa. :) Just don't have much to say, plus I was out sick on Monday. The devs are hard at work. The GMs are best reached in-game, if you need to talk to them.

@Kive and Duke
Community managers don't work on the actual game content now, do they?
Ah, boring forums I see, eh. Not so much rage, few interesting threads.. I guess it does make sense that you're sitting back.
Oh, hope you're better now. And I'm sure they are, what with all that new content, release it already, I'm getting bored of Skyrim. D:
Not really /need/ to talk to them, but I enjoy seeing purple marked threads, and reading GM posts in general. You guys are awesome lol.
Besides, I'd waste their time trough support, and I barely ever see GMs on while PMing them the result of my hands smashing the keyboard. :<

No, but Nick and Crazyoddbaa do and they both occasionally post. And I would classify them as "OOO".
Anyway, meant to say I was responding to Kive.

the community managers aka GMs will only post when people
1.break or ask if something is aginst TOS
2. verbal assults are directed among players on the forums
3. If you need help with something ( technical, have been hacked, or are being assulted/ threatened by people in game)
The GMs in general dont normally start conversations , only enforce rules, delete post ( cuss words, inappropriate links, degrading comments toward race, and gender). The GMs havent been posting on forums to often because for the most part the community has been good.
The devs on the other hand start conversations, seeking feedback , suggestions, and bugs. As Eurydice pointed out above theyve been hard at work trying to bring the legion of almire danger room missions to the communtity in a timely manner ( my assumption of it launching today were off maybe next week??).
super mega ultimate point: GMs dont normally start conversations only help and make sure things are running smoothly and make sure we have the most positive experience , whether that would be in game or in the forums ( keep up the good work guys).

then how do we know if anything we discuss is being recognize by anyone that is part of the staff for the game?
not that we always have to talk about the game, we could talk to gm's about how their day was? or how they are doing on a personal matter? but i mean i think some of us have to feel like what were saying is important to a certain level. i know some ideas have already been taken from players and has affected the game. but i just wish we could get to know the people that work on spiral knights more. i just feel we have too much distance as a community from the players to the people that manage the players.
@Eurydice: hope you get better. also i have never seen a GM before so i wont be able to contact them without asking them for a friend request or knowing their names so i can email them. is their a list of their names somewhere so i can contact them?

If anyone working for OOO appears in haven they instantly get swarmed. If you've seen nick in haven before you know what I mean.
To my knowledge GMs never friend players other than Equinox.
The list of GMs is in the wiki.

Devs and Nick usually post when there's an issue with the game. We refer to them as OOO.
GMs do post in that case too sometimes. We refer to them as GMs ofc.
However, Eury posts in general community threads, and I believe she reads most of them. And she's just Eury.
The title obviously refers to these three persons separately.

Eury = Community Manager
I dont feel Eury is doing much to advance my career. In fact most of the interaction I have with Eury is having posts moved and slapped about for my stupidity. Sounds like Eury should be in Human Resources to me.

Hah, Kive. You were only a day off with that prediction.

It was hard keeping my mouth shut to not spoil it, but I did find it amusing how close you were! I hope everyone enjoys the new mission and the lockdown maps.
Too busy giving me 500K CE.