I know a way to improve spiral knights.How do you like> my idea is:
> a spiral knights for wii and maybe giving it a lot of sequels like
> > hows this title for the first 1 game: Spiral knights legends of the clockworks (for
> > wii and other consoles) and than players can use the wii remote for piercing weapons or swinging
> > the wii remote for sword movements the use the wii remote as a gun even as the
> > Z button on the nunchuk for the shield and even transfer crowns and energy
> > with wifi and a pvp on wifi.So how do you like my idea?Please tell me
console game(could be for wii and others need to be checked for improvement)

Notice the difference between Zelda games and Spiral Knights.
One has a distinct series of events to follow and has an end point while the other is a freelance MMO.
"a spiral knights for wii and maybe giving it a lot of sequels like"
Never have before I thunk this was is. Hurr.

If you release the game on a platform like the wii, Nintendo might sue for simalarity to zelda. It would be a good idea to get Nintendos approval first.
For advertising, SP could ask Nintendo if they could post multiple trailers on their Nintendo Channel.

Well, I think there are some technical difficulties on getting this ported. About ads, I saw some on youtube around the release.
Anyway, about the difficulties: you need to either reprogram the WHOLE game, or get java working on the target system(s). All the MMO, multilayer, and/or commercial games I know of are written in Java. There is only one exception to this, and that game is Savage 2. (I only tried this game, I uninstalled it a while later cause I wasn't entirely thrilled with the game play and my computer didn't take it too well.) Because I doubt that SK will be reprogrammed just so you can play it on the Wii, I think the closest thing would be to get Java on the Wii, Nintendo would have to do that. You should go ask them if they can get Java working on the Wii before coming to OOO for a port.

It's not just the initial work to get it working, they have to ensure comaptibility (unless you want each console to have it's own servers and characters wich is crazy)
This mean more work for each patch. Is the Sk team big enough to take it?

The game is more likely to come out on X-box 360. The porting from Java to C# would be pretty straightforward, with perhaps the exception of graphical stuff (which is kind of a big deal).

Ps3 is a good console to put it on bec it has better internet caps than the other console and that is my opinion

No sequels to SK, OP. Spiral Knights is one game. No sequels. The game you suggest sounds like Zelda. Go play some Zelda.
I don't know about X-box or PS3 Spiral knights because the aiming is hard. You can play spiral knigths with a ps3 controller (not sure about xbox) and I couldn't shoot anything. Also the Wii will shortly die, seeing as Nintendo will soon release the Wii-U.

It could also be a downloadable game on WiiShopChannel, XBox Live, and Playstationnetwork
What we NEED to do is help advertise Spiral Knights some more. When was the last time ANY of you players here have seen a Spiral Knights ad on the internet? Actually now that I think about it, the same goes for TF2 & Steam games in general. Mmmm......
~ √iruu