I'm not just looking forward to the new mechanic for bad/new bombs. I'm looking forward to trying a revamped RSS as well.
YES, being able to one-shot things with a clever bomb plant is cool. I've done FSC with it, I've done wolver dens with it, I've even done Deconstruction Zones with it. I've done many levels with it, with every enemy type. It got old. It is too powerful (and in other ways not that useful.) This is a four star bomb that is decently effective against everything without using any normal damage, and extremely powerful against other things. Yes, it is TOO POWERFUL how it is now.
(Before anyone tries to refute this information, I'm looking at data tables I've been gathering since November and most pure non-normal weapons are doing about 1/6 or at MOST 1/5 as much damage to enemies they are weak against compared to enemies they are strong against. RSS is doing pretty consistently 50% as much damage to Jellies and Gremlins as it is doing to Undead - never mind fiends with the built in bonus.)
It's also a pain for your party in rooms with switches because it's near impossible to control all of the shards so they don't hit a switch WAY out of sight.
I haven't seen it in action yet with the new change, so I will reserve judgement until I see how much damage it does, how much knockback it has, what the charge times are like (I'm hoping RSS doesn't change, and ISB gets a **** of a lot faster,) and the overall usefulness of this. We don't even know how many shards will break off, how far they go, how randomly they spread... or much of anything aside from what it does now, and ROUGHLY what it will be doing later.
I have an RSS (with a decent UV,) and I like my RSS.
HOWEVER: so far, no one's been given a reason to freak out, get upset, or start petitioning against a change. All we've been given is a polite warning of what's coming so that we aren't all freaked out and people don't start flipping tables when the change happens (even though we all know it will still happen.)
How do you know that? How do you know EXACTLY how the bomb will work before you've even seen it?
Honestly, I'm curious. I want to see the new version on the test server first.
Also, Atrumvindex, (The-Trial) that's been said :p
And, honestly, Meta, they really hate bombers, especially when new bombs are coming in the game. /sarcasm off