I just got a reminder of why I hate working with a party, and why the current party button / danger room setup stinks.
I joined a party on depth 2. High Voltail -- wolves aren't normally a problem, and I'm not expecting a little shock to make a difference. And, by the time I'm joining in, most of the level is clear. A big battle, and then the next level -- but these people are in such a hurry that they leave lots of plants (and coins, and heat) behind.
Depth 3 -- slimes in a shock themed clockworks tunnels. And then, a danger room.
I warn them that it's a danger room. They say that they know.
I warn them that I won't be much help. No problem. Right?
Well, naturally, we're slaughtered.
So what's the issue?
1. Danger rooms: Oh, sure, a warning. How many people will take it seriously the first time? How many people will think "I'm killing everything normally found left and right. So it's more dangerous. I can wipe the floor with the normal stuff, so danger must be right for me, right?"
There's no indication of how MUCH harder it is.
There's no way to say "Let me out!!!"
It's all or nothing, and you don't get a clear indication of how badly you'll be overwhelmed.
Result: A beginner that runs into this might be very discouraged, and not want to play after that.
2. Party see, party do.
If I'm in a party, and someone wants to do the danger room, I have no choice. I cannot say "Not me".
Well, I could. I could go solo, at least now (couldn't before). But we cannot split the party. We cannot have some people say "Mini party -- the two of us will take a two person danger room (a little weaker than a 4 person danger room), and the rest of you don't get the rewards".
If two of us want to avoid, we cannot split off a two person party.
If some want to do the danger room, and succeed, we cannot merge back into one big party afterwards.
Now, if danger rooms behave this way, I'm going to assume that arenas still do as well. As in, after the first room, two people might want to stop and take the elevator; the rest want to fight more. You can't split the party. You can't even say "virtual split -- I'll wait in the elevator, and just be in spectator mode while you fight".
For random pickup groups? When you don't have a good chat system as your social code base? (Sorry -- it is much harder to chat with your party here than it is in YPP. Much harder.)
Playing with a party looks like it becomes "split off as a solo player". Which brings me back to why not just play solo in the first place?
1. It has a thingy that reads WARNING VERY HARD AREA UP AHEAD
2. Yes, I have that problem as well.