Today's release notes can be found here:
June 28 Update - Discussion
Too soon?
I dont see that thread in annoucnements (but the link works)
Thalia has a time machine. Nick's theead was revelaed 6 minutes later, check post times.
I'd love to see someone actually try to complain about this update. Seerusly, give it your best shot.
Guys don't laugh at bombies, it has feelings you know?......... (HAHHAHAHA BEST NAME EVER)
Desna is indeed a lady, however un-ladylike her style may seem.
And here I was hoping this update would see the shard bomb changes.
Oh well. Better luck next time!
I agree with Kitty-Softpaws.
I want a wallpaper of dat, its so awesome :O
Nick! Desna is sooooooooooo cool looking oh pretty please please with cherries and waffles and love make prismatic armor/costumes that look like hers! I will love you forever..... @_@
More zombies...hmm...
Chewing gum...all out...
After the bitterness of the previous announcement, this is very welcome! I'm very much looking forward to what sounds like challenging missions.
"I'd love to see someone actually try to complain about this update. Seerusly, give it your best shot."
Well the diffuculty was decent at best. I ran it in proto and for the most part died around in the arenas. The arena like battles were pretty difficult, with the small fighting room, Kats flying like mosquitoes and Howlitzers firing bullets everywhere.
I liked the fighting style of the Almire knights, though I found that I could basically gun them down with a Argent peacemaker from afar and basically not have to worry about them dodging. Knockback and distace was key in the area.
In proto armor and shield, I made it to the end of the second floor before getting owned by lumbers lol. It was for sure getting harder as I went deeper, but the fact that I got that far with 2 others in proto as well, tells me that this may have not been THE most difficult thing ever.
Expected a bit more from it, and was VERY disappointed in the first floor, being 90% of it reused graveyard areas (seriously, 3 of the same room in a row??)
Good effort with the update, and I am going to go back in normal equips and finish it. Though it seemed a little... lacking. Not going to say much more though, as I didn't finish it, so I still have to see the final floor and ending.
Overall, our party wiped once, and our final rev costs were
Me: 320
Friend1: 20
Friend 2: 20
And I revved each time I died practically... so...
The first floor is only a warm up. The real fun begins in the Inner Sanctum :)
It's definitely a challenge. Made it through with a party of four, but we revived at least twice each, if not more. The new enemies are nice, and the bombies are fun. The Almirian Crusaders look quite a bit like players though, so watch that you don't get confused (I thought they were friendlies a few times).
The payout is a little low though. Got about 3150 from a run, which would take 20 energy once you got good enough to not revive. That's 6300 for 40, vs the 7500ish for the first 4 levels of FSC, which is much easier.
I suppose one could look at the Prestige as a bonus . . . (180 was it?) but since prestige doesn't currently DO anything . . .
I think either it will need a boost, or FSC needs to have the payout lowered, for the sake of balance.
Omg, I am SEERUSly SOOOOO clever!
Good mission that helps add some challenge back into the game, OOO have really outdone themselves here.
My only complaint is that Bombies tend to wipe you when you go on the button to trigger the cutscene of the 3 gates opening, which is kinda a cheap move because the area design implies you're meant to RUN from said Bombies rather than fight them and the button is positioned in a way that would imply it closes the gate as they're chasing you.
My tips for players doing this mission are:
- Knockback is VITAL to avoid being swarmed, so bring your Polarises (Polari?) and your Nitronomes, your DAs and your Caliburs!
- Doens't matter which way you go in Depth 2, they both end up in the same place.
- If the Crusader 'statues' have red glowing veins on them then they'll come to life when attacked, treat them like a Turret that has not yet noticed you and try not to attack them until you've taken care of everything else. If they don't they're just random destructibles.
- Bombies are best taken out diagonally from a distance, failing this quickly run up to them to goad them into detonating and then leg it
- Totems,Juggernauts and Slag Guards are your top priority, you think regular Bombies are bad? try constantly respawning ones, if you're the target of a Juggernaut/Slag then try and get them as far away from the other enemies as possible so that your teammates can kill them outside their respawn radius.
- Almirian Crusaders do NOT respawn if killed near a Totem, Juggernaut or Slag Guard, but this may be a bug.
- (Bombers) RSS works wonders on Slags,Juggernauts and Crusaders, and I imagine a Shivermist would not go amiss either!
- Make sure not to go anywhere in front of a Crusader if possible as their attack has a surprising amount of lunge and the full combo can easily take you from full-to-near-zero if they can land it.
P.S. Can we please have that Shield and Armour Desna and her Rangers have? pretty please?
Sounds really fun!!
I am excited to try it out!
If i could actually get past 71% download.... :/
Geez,I can't download the new content. It takes to long.
I'm told that the venom veiler is a godsend in the last room. Also, try to work with a full party...
It's a bit premature to call for payout changes when people are still working out the tactics. I hope that the more difficult elements were randomized before release; otherwise, once people know where the Deadnaughts spawn, that last room will become as farmable as FSC.
Wow, it is hard, but at least i tried, i also credit the other players in my party as well, there just using normal cobolt armor and have max health of around 12-13 Also, even with 20+ health i still died. Also i think the polaris may help a bit.
It was kinda easy. A bit tricky at times, but overall a pretty easy mission, honestly.
Has anybody recorded the mission,because I would like to see it.
No complaints with the LoA mission. It's difficult, the pay is decent for two floors, and it's really fun. 10/10
I still don't know how to fight Almirian Crusaders though :/ Anyone have some tips?
So it seems to me that after 5 games of Lockdown, I have played on the new Mines map every single time. Is this a bug? Or incredibly unlucky?
P.s Legions of Almire = Fun! Can't wait to see what other danger missions will be thrown into the mix.
Because apaprently spiral knights stil lwont load!
I've found it's best to just treat them like a combination of Kat and Mecha Knight, try to approach from the sides because their combo sends them forwards quit a bit.
I rev'd far too much, but eh, I was running alone and blind.
The only strike against this is the crusaders. Their charging is erratic. Sometimes they'll take forever to charge attack, sometimes nearly instantly. Attacking them causes to come out of the charge animation and just swipe; kinda dumb since when they're charging is when you'd think they'd be vulnerable to attack a la phantoms. It's all rather irritating. You need proper telegraphs to dodge things, and if those telegraphs are broken...
Attack them when they are charging or attacking. BlitzNeedle does wonders on them, and their shield is slightly effective, and you may still damage when they're up. The Crusaders with shield after attacking, but they, unlike other enemies, could shield whenever! They have blocked some of my melee damage already. Take them out during charge/attack. They don't have much HP, in the end.
First depth was kinda meh. Maybe it is intended to be the warm up but I just couldn't shake the feeling that it's too similar to the graveyard levels, only ditching the phantoms in favour of a few other undead enemies and never really offering the level of challenge I'd expect.
Second depth was much better. The arena clashes were interesting and the new enemy types were used better here. Plus there were interesting room setups. Still, the difficulty wasn't as high as I expected it to be. The arena areas were definitely challenging and I liked them but these only really amount to a couple of places where the risk of dying was real (and admittedly happened).
But I also think I'm a little disappointed that the mission's idea of a climax is throwing more enemies at us that we've already faced elsewhere.
Still, new content is new so it offers some alternative to repeated runs of FSC, IMF or RJP.
The Legion Mission was pretty epic did my first run with some Eos kids:
Hadn, Ret, and was pretty nice we weren't expecting the last room to be so crazy, but it wasn't bad at all. Pretty much a fun run for sure it will give a lot of players some challenges for sure. Good job three rings.
new mission is great, me and guildies killed it with only 10 ce in revving in total. the crowns is ok, but not much more than FSC. difficulty isn't that bad, just need to be equipped for it. the lockdown maps however, are laggy as heck, and those healing pads make a dominating team dominate even more. so yeah, please alot more heat, a little more crowns in the danger mission, and delete the new maps. including frostbite. just delete them. they're laggy and annoying.
It's fun and challenging :) I went solo and i think i was close to finishing it, but after two revives i decided to give up. Definitely look forward to trying again though.
I've tried to solo through just the first floor and I still can't! I just hope that the 'Legion of Almire' missions stays around longer than 'Total Caketastrophe.' Other than that, I will continue to level up my Warmaster Rocket Hammer and give it a shot on a later date... ^^'''
Incidentally, my thanks to the level design team for tweaking the map in mines after the dev server closed. The changes should make it much harder to spawn camp.
Legion of Almire will stay around forever, it isn't like Total Caketastrophe, because Total Caketastrophe was based on Spiral Knights' anniversary, a once-a-year celebrated thing.
By the way, poison is amazing in the last room, so start gettin' yer Venom Veilers.
Pretty good mission, especially the end with all the monsters and the respawning Silverwing. My only problem was that the Almirian Crusaders were damaging me even though I obviously dodged their spear though this happened rarely. At first I thought it was lagg but I was dodging the Slag Guards no problem...
64 boxes at last count in the prize room, pretty cool.
Good work and I hope to see some more danger missions. +1 OOO
Already recorded my first try at almire. Didn't go well lol
Neat. Came out sooner than I expected