Is it only to me it takes forever to download the new Update...?
To start off, I use linux. Secondly, I play from Kongregate. I can install and update with no trouble the steam client, but the browser versions refuse to run. Why does it seem that flash (as it seems to me to be the case) refuses to stay connectec to the SK servers for more than 5 minutes?
I have a connection activity monitor that logs the connection speeds. It shows full connection usage until the installer hit 71% or 72%, then the connection goes dead. I have a 3 Mbps ADSL connection.
Oh, I know it's not my computer. I have only had this much trouble with the last 3 or 4 updates. Also, I have reinstalled both java and flash.
It helps to restart it. Except I've restarted 4 times and gotten to 90 percent. -__-
My update failed, reloaded the page and this is the message. "The application has failed to launch due to the following error: Connection refused"
OOO, any ideas?
I have been trying to update this game for 5 hours. Probably everyone else in the world has gotten online. I say this is descrimination against linux users!
Just kidding about the descrimination, but seriously, this is rediculous. OOO, could the next update fix the updater?
Baby, you make my floppy disk turn into a hard drive
Happened to me. Shortly after, using my brain, I restarted it and it worked no problem.
It happens. Happened before to me from the last update. However, I'm on now...
Try waiting for a few hours before trying to download again.
Nope... Not just you.
My counter is at 173 minutes lol... and it keeps climbing...