I totally understand why we are all fighting about in LD and Super Brawl (Ultimate). Some of the reasons why:
- Ban Boss weapons
- Make Super Brawl spawns more "Realistic" and lower the amount of players.
- 5,000 Crowns?!?!
- Maybe even make an array of weapons and armor only used for PvP.
I really want Super Brawl (Ultimate) back. Stop making LD OP.
Lol, "LD is OP", that about makes as much sense as "PvE is OP".
What exactly do you mean by 5k cr, as in payout or entry fee? either way, thats wayyyyyy too much.
We already have PvP exclusives, it's the shields (Striker, recon, guardian), don't you dare ask for more, the shields are enough.
10/10 would not read again, 10/10 would not support this suggestion, that's right, move to suggestion forum.