Hello everybody this is Roberto077 a.k.a. Thesnipinggod here with an announcement.
Over the past year I've been playing spiral knights and recording videos on my channel. I've set my focus of videos on spiral knights and was hoping that you guys, the SK community, could tell me how I'm doing. Some people may even see themselves in one of my many lockdown videos, and others may learn more about fighting and earning crowns. The link to my channel will be at the bottom of the post and I hope to see your reviews and comments. Thank you for reading! -Thesnipinggod
Channel link: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheRob077800
Lockdown Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL465416688212AF83&feature=plcp
1. I suggest getting gear for PvE (specifically LoA in this case) instead of going in there with T2 LD gear.
2. Without organization, a 2 player party is going to have a much harder time than you soloing. That's just how this game works. With organization, however, a 2 player party is much better.