Treasure Jelly
Do it do it do it. What I mean is you know the different jellies like the pink ones and the blue ones and the rock ones? Well make one that looks like a treasure chest. It could be Spiral Knight's version of a mimic. Do ettttttttttt.
I think a mimic is already in the works.
and would really be great if it wasn't any known kind of monster, only a mimic itself, because, this way, there would be no bonuses like: extra damage against monster tipe, and that would make mimics more, you know, fearable. Also, now that we have the red boxes, an idea of mine would be good too, that i put at the previous thread: blue boxes are mimics of a lower level, green mimics apear from green boxes, and red mimics, the most fearsome one, appear from red chests ^^.
But i could agree with a jelly carrying the half top part of a chest above it's head, like stone jellys and impostocubes ^^. not as mimics, though...they would not stay still till you try to pen then, they would act like jellys: you are near, you are dead.
How do you know it's already in the works? Not doubting you, just curious.
@kojiden - from this thread:
Sometimes (vary rarely) a breakable block will actually be a rock jelly in disguise.
Nevermind that, I want my Royal Jellies. There are Royal Cores, I want Jellies witch crowns and scepters that drop lots of crowns.

Last time I killed an impostocube it dropped many more crowns than any of the other monsters on the level.

I really like the idea of a jelly cube with a treasure block skin. I really love mimic monsters, so I can only hope SK has many of them in time.
Do ettttt!