I was being a jerk to everyone :( Forgive me? I'm going to start fresh, but I still want CE prices to be lowered. I'll just buy heart trinkets for LD.
Sorry :(

>Talks smack about people
>Acts like they know the game better than those who've been here a while, even after saying that they're new
>Calls out "The-Trial" and Ranger out
If you really are serious, you'll have to earn my forgiveness.

Youre not forgiven. You should be shot by a firing squad. Then banned from the forums.

As much as I feel you're entitled to what you're saying, I feel it's going a little too far to tell him he should be shot by a firing squad.

Then I'm guessing having his Knee-Caps busted "Mafia Style" is going too far, too, then?

I forgive you. Everyone has their bad days.

Words that harm the community so badly that ye don't even know how the pain of the community has gotten through with and they learned just one thing we can do it : deal with it.
I won't bring up the topic again even thou I didn't post anything but seen, and therefore, look the posts above, do they look they want to forgive ye from what ye said?
I'm sorry, ye're in the wrong neighbourhood, please alpaca yer things and move out. Just no offense, but what ye said has harmed us. :/

Knock off it, it's not even funny. I only spoke up because a shooting squad reminds me too much of the Nazi concentration camps.

Sorry, didn't know you were so Sensitive.
Please Accept MY Apology.

After acually reading his other threads, I can't wait to see how this one turns out.

I made a mistake. I'm sensitive as well and you just called me an idiot. Don't be mean. This is why I use foul language to neutralize people like you. If you want me to be nice from now on don't push me around or you'll regret it.

skullkid wasnt apologizing to you, idiot lol
edit: it looks like Spinex completely edited his last post. LOL what a douche.

No matter how rude one person may have been, that's no excuse to loose your own worst instincts and act churlishly in return. Especially in response to an apology.
That applies to forums, politics, and, yes, even American Idol. Simon, you know what you did.

^The guy above me is so right.
Yes, even if it was Simon's job to be a critic; he sometimes took it too far.

Link to thread please!!! Which one?? Brb popping popcorn.

If I was still angry I would have called you a fu#&!ng idiot, but I'm trying to remain calm. Why call yourself epic-truth? You don't know that I'm truly sorry :(

Your comment above is all the evidence we need.
Edit: And don't think I'm not archiving things before you edit them.

LOL guys I just now read the thread. Awesome, +1, great entertainment. Best line:
"Post on another thread fool! I'm not ignorant you retart. Your ignorance is matched with your supreme foolishness you broken down pile of scrap. Go to h#^^ junk robot!"

What I was getting at, is that you're still in that angry mindset. You're writing this thread because you want people to stop disliking you, but you don't want to change what you're doing so much. Thinking about calling him a "____ idiot", but not saying it, is fine. No, you had to say that you would've called him that if you were still angry. The need to say it shows that you're still in that childish rage.

If ye guys know the concept of the issue already and heard the man apologizing, accept it or leave it, there's no need to start another arguement.

.. 3 persons include myself pressed the save button at the same time
*sigh* broke it up, someone edited.

while your apology is a nice gesture, I would suggest waiting a bit, while the anger subsides. You said some rather spiteful things (as did some others) and now it's time to duck your head and be quiet for a bit.
Regarding dealing with people who flame you etc, the recourse isn't swearing. There are two ways to handle these. You can either answer calmly and rationally to a point, using proper english to encourage a good discourse, or simply ignore the other.
See, swearing is generally regarded as the fall back for low IQs. This is not always the case, as i swear in my everyday life as a sailor, however if you can only express your anger via cursing, it does reflect poorly. If you are young, and don't yet have a solid vocabulary, the best thing you can do for yourself is to use a thesauras to help write your post, and then retain some of the new words you learn.
Best of luck to you, sir.
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Give me 50kCr for Apology Acception.
Another 30kCr for everyone else.
EDIT: Just read your Thread...Outta my Forums. No one talks to Eury & my Buddy, Ranger, like that.
Apology Denied.