Many people out there complain about "Legion of Almire's" crowns payout. I think that they forgot (or didn't really notice) that this is a Prestige mission. The main payout for "Legion of Almire" is 180 Prestige which is equal to "Arms Appropriation 4*" mission's payout. In order to craft a 4* item you need to spend around 700CE thus make 180 Prestige = 700CE. So, for playing "Legion of Almire" you get a 700CE value + crowns + heat + 5*4* mats (philoso\bells...); do the math. There is absolutely no need to increase mission's crowns payout. Feel free to post your opinion, but before you post something like "I don't care about prestige, I play this mission for loot", let me answer you already: if you don't care about Prestige and play "Legion of Almire" for crowns\loot, you doing it wrong. It's a Prestige mission and is located under Prestige tab. Don't trust me? Go check by yourself.
Legion of Almire PAYOUT

You can also get an item drop! There's got to be ~30 boxes at the end of the dungeon (did my first run last night with the guildmates, and got a Shadow Driver drop). If you get a 4* item, that's at least 1k CE right there.

Everything about the mission is good so far. But of course, people will whine about nothing as usual.

Koi Wa Sensou you got a shadow driver from the boxes in the danger mission?

Last time I went, it gave 4,000 crowns! That's a lot compared to RJP and IMF, AND it was only three rooms! Well, it gives great payout. At least I don't have to grind FSC. This mission is great on a huge portion of the spectrum.

except that prestige doesn't DO anything. It has no value. One day this might be changed, but for now, the payout is unbalanced relative to the difficulty.

if any of you think that the payout of Legion of Almire is low, simply don't do it. you have FSC and other runs that are much easier than this
"but for now, the payout is unbalanced relative to the difficulty", oh...please tell me how Shadow Lair pays much more crowns than normal runs. I mean, SL is much harder than FSC. why do you think Legion of Almire is called "Danger Mission"? I believe because it's HARD.

I speed counted the boxes in the final room, trying to count them before the team i was with destroyed them all. the number is closer to 50 total. 12 are green, leaving roughly 38 red boxes. I think that it is fine the way it is, after all you only pay for 2 elevators.

I'm Koi's real account (Koi's my alt) and yes I got a shadow driver from a box.

The way I see it, it shouldn't be compared to FSC. FSC in length, is longer. And I'm not talking strictly depth longer. I am talking the levels themselves go much much longer of FSC and because of that, it would be unwise to compare it to LoA. The idea of comparing it to the difficulty of FSC is also unwise unless you can truly judge from the perspective of someone new to it. You can have played vanny dozens of times and you, at that point, have built the concept of handling the situations in your head. LoA is still fresh and the inability to grind it everyday gives one the benefit of having to take their time to get it down. This is my view on the subject so I may be wrong but this is what I believe.

Prestige is purely cosmetic but it does have a great value. There are alot of players who pay lage amounts of money to get accesories and who do all prestige missions (including submitting 5* items) to get the best prestige badge as soon as possible. 180 Prestige is the main part of mission's payout, the main reason to play this mission is to get that Prestige, so payout is pretty much balanced.

Looks like Sneaky beat me into telling you that prestige does count for something. The little symbol next to your name represents the milestones in prestige you've made. It's not useless at all.

The point of the mission is its difficulty. It's a reward in itself. That the payout (cr, mats, prestige) is more than adequate is a mere bonus. Honestly, it could award no prestige and skilled players would still run it.

You get around 4k crowns for only 20ce (2 dephs, as the last one charges 0 ce) which is pretty good, if you don't ce revive a bunch of times that is. :P

There's actually 64 boxes in total and the payout is fine. Although prestige badges have no real value, the mission pays out more than doing the Jelly King or the Roarmulus Twins. You also have a chance at getting items from the boxes in the prize room.

For crowns alone, it is not the best payout. You cannot count prestige as a value, because it is simply a cosmetic change that does not interest all of the player base. The payout I believe should be set to at least match FSC's payout though, as it is more difficult than FSC.

but it's very good. I don't agree that higher difficulty should always = higher cr reward. Many players--not all--do in fact value prestige. Disregard prestige by increasing the cr reward further and you'd effectively be overrewarding those players who value prestige as well as crowns.

It bears mentioning that it is a higher payout, but also a more difficult mission. I don't have an issue with the payout, myself, so I'm impartial to any changes. I don't think it should be any less, but at bare minimum you receive 3k cr from it. Also, as people learn the attack patterns, the mission itself gets easier. It is still a challenge at this point, but certainly less so than it once was.
Is what I've been trying to tell people.
The average prestige mission payout is anywhere between 1.4K to (If you're lucky) 2K and the reward is 90 prestige, I'm talking about tier 3 here by the way.
So if the danger mission gives you double the prestige, then I think double the payout is fair enough as well.
Thank you for hopefully talking some sense into these people.